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The Revolution: Episode 9(All or Nothing)

Full Sail University heats up this week, as the semi-finals of the NXT Championship Tournament are set to begin. Tonight, AJ Styles battles Cesaro, while Seth Rollins takes on Samoa Joe, with the chance to fight for the ultimate prize hanging in the balance. Who will seize the opportunity and who leaves empty handed?

AJ Styles vs Cesaro- NXT Championship Tournament Semi-Finals Match

This was a very even match, as anticipated. Early on, it was AJ Styles that would go on the offense, hitting a facebuster before flying off the middle rope with a forearm, but only for a one count. Cesaro was quickly back to his feet, working his strikes, punching and chopping Styles. Pop-up European Uppercut! That was a big move, but Cesaro chose not to follow it up, looking to put things away with the Neutralizer. This was a mistake, as it allowed AJ to counter and fight back. A blitz of strikes now from AJ, before he hooked one arm of Cesaro and dumped him with a brainbuster! One......two......but the "Swiss Cyborg" fought on. AJ began to get the crowd to rally behind him, as he set up the Styles Clash. Cesaro countered, and lifted AJ high in the air, before dropping him straight down into a gutbuster. Once again, no cover, as the Neutralizer was signaled. Again, Styles countered, and made his way out to the apron, thinking Phenomenal Forearm. Into the air he went....right into another uppercut! For a third time, Cesaro readied himself....

Winner: Cesaro
Finish: Neutralizer

Cesaro is heading to the finals to fight for the NXT Championship! Many thought it couldn't be done, but he proved them all wrong. But who will he face? That will be determined up next....

Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins- NXT Championship Tournament Semi-Finals Match

Seth Rollins came out with a big burst of offense early, as he may have caught Samoa Joe a little off guard. It was a short-lived advantage, however, as Joe would quickly take control, tossing Rollins around the ring. A powerbomb was followed up with the Chimera-plex, and now Samoa Joe was completely in control. He wore Rollins down with kicks and strikes, working a submission as well in the form of an armbar. Seth was in trouble but not out of it, as a knee to the face set up the school boy superkick. Suddenly, the tides were changing, and the fans in Full Sail seemed shocked. Joe caught Rollins with a elbow to the gut, but fell prey to the Blackout! Again, though, Seth's finisher didn't get the job done, as Joe kicked out at two, just like Neville in the quarter-finals. That was a devastating blow to confidence, but Seth was still determined to keep fighting. He looked for another superkick, but this time Joe was too fast. Joe wrapped Rollins up, and spiked both of Seth's knees into the mat. It was a nasty move, but Joe was far from finished. Powerbomb to Rollins with both legs hooked, which Seth was able to kick out of, and was then turned into a double leg boston crab. "The Architect of the Future" was fading fast, as the official and the NXT fans saw the end in sight. But no! Rollins, with one last gasp, got his hand to the bottom rope! Joe tried to grab hold of Rollins and drag him into the middle of the ring, but Seth was wise to it, spin kick to the gut! Off the ropes....

Winner: Seth Rollins
Finish: Blackout

Somehow, someway, Seth Rollins had defeated Samoa Joe! The fans cheered the great display, as it seemed we would end this show with Seth Rollins celebrating his biggest win yet. But from behind, Joe attacked Rollins! "The Destroyer" was in a foul mood, attacking a dazed Rollins, targeting the previously injured knee. From the back, Cesaro charged down to the ring, helping out his opponent in the finals. But has the damage already been done? 


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