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Henry's Top Ten Favorite Wrestlers

Since my blog has been relatively negative lately, I decided I would post a list of my top ten favorite wrestlers. This list isn't based on in ring talent, social media followers or charity work. This is a list of ten guys who genuinely hold my attention both inside and outside of the ring, and give me a reason to watch them work. Keep in mind that I started following wrestling in 2010, so I've made no attempt to list workers from before that point. With that in mind, let's proceed.

10. Kofi Kingston

We kick things off with the high flier Kofi Kingston, a true gem of a midcarder in the WWE. A classic case of a talent massively underutilized, he reminds me a lot of Booker T. Obviously they share the same race, but it's more than that. Both men have impressive movesets, incredible high flying maneuvers, and are genuinely likable people. Both had periods of time where they were massively over with the crowd, Booker in early 2003 and Kofi in late 2009, but the 'E didn't give them the pushes they deserve. I have confidence that Kofi will win a world title someday, but as long as he keep's doing what he's doing, he always has a spot on this list.

9. Rey Mysterio

The second high-flier on this list, Rey Mysterio comes in at number 9. Another on the list of genuinely likable people, Rey is a veteran of the ring. He helped launch promotions like ECW and WCW, and his work both domestically and internationally has always been top notch. The reason he makes this list, however, is his ability to break the mold. It's pretty well known that Vince McMahon has a certain idea of what a wrestler should look like, and that certainly isn't Rey. Despite that, he's been a world champion multiple times and has carried some incredible feuds with the likes of Kane and Kurt Angle. Speaking of which...

8. Kurt Angle

Wrestling's only Olympic Gold Medalist, Angle has had an interesting path to the top. He started off in the WWE or WWF with an unbeaten streak, which was broken by Tazz. He really became a star with TNA however. He was mainly a comedic character with the WWE, but he embraced a more serious side with TNA. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out his 2006 matches with Samoa Joe, they're a joy to behold. He has know become a veteran of the ring, a multi time world champion with a great resume. He is a fantastic grappler, and his moves are awesome. I give him the nod at number 8.

7. Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson

 All right, I'll admit it. I love Daniel Bryan. Since I started following WWE, he has been a constant presence, whether teaming with Kane, feuding with the Authority, or creating magical WrestleMania moments. I know him as Daniel Bryan, the lovable underdog. I didn't even know of his work with Ring of Honor until about a year ago, but that doesn't change my perception of him. He's just such a likable guy, it's easy to understand why he is as popular as he is. Unlike guys like CM Punk and the Rock, the fantastic talkers, Bryan makes his impact in the ring. His match with John Cena at 2013's Summerslam may have been the match of the decade for the 'E, and that's something you won't hear me saying about many Cena matches.

6. Wade Barrett

Say what you will about Wade Barrett, but the man is talented. He may not be the greatest on the mic, he may not be an outstanding grappler or connect seamlessly to the people, but he is amazing. He wrestles with purpose and always puts forth his best effort no matter the occasion. He made the Nexus, a group of guys who probably should've still been in development, main eventers. Had it not been for John Cena or some bad timing with injuries, he probably would've a world champion and bonafide main eventer by now. He's been stuck with some pretty bad work recently, but that doesn't change my opinion of him. Not everyone has to win to look good, and Wade Barrett is proof of that.

5. Roderick Strong

The only true independent worker on this list, Roderick Strong has been working the indies for years. Roddy is extremely talented in the ring; in my humble opinion, he's one of the best in the world today. His matches are always five star classics, and in a company like ROH, that's all you really need. He's also working extensively with Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, but as I don't follow the company, I wouldn't know that much about his work there. Strong is a true ring general, and works incredibly stiff, which could be a good or a bad thing. I think it's an incredible positive, as it adds a unique aspect to each of his bouts. You want to watch some quality wrestling, check out his recent battles with Jay Lethal. Speaking of which....

4. Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal is one of the most unique and charismatic wrestlers you will ever find. He had a decently long and profitable run with TNA, winning the X-Division title an impressive six times. He is outstanding in the ring, but also possesses vastly underappreciated mic skills. He is captivating, and has really taken the next step in Ring of Honor. In a company full of amazing workers, guys like CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, Tyler Black, Lethal stands out to me as one of the best. His skillset is out of this world, and is an example of a guy who managed to completely change his image moving from one company to another.

3. Robert/Bobby Roode

Roode is a TNA Original, a multi time world tag team champion in TNA, first with Eric Young and later with James Storm as a part of Beer Money. Roode really took the next step during 2011-2012, as he began referring to himself as "the IT factor of professional wrestling" and backed it up in the ring, still owning the record as the longest reigning world champion in company history. Roode was just such a great heel, a guy who would win by any means necessary and make you hate him. Recently, Roode has turned back face again, signaling the end of the golden period of his career. However, Roode's greatest face turn is choosing to stick with TNA, an obviously dying company. In recent years, guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, James Storm, the guys who made the company famous, have departed for greener pastures. Roode likely won't be with TNA for too much longer, as he likely moves onto Global Force Wrestling, Jeff Jarrett's latest project. As long as Roode keeps going, I'll continue to boo the hell out of him, and enjoy doing it.

2. Chris Jericho

Canadians go back-to-back as Chris Jericho makes his appearance. What can I say about Jericho that hasn't been said already? The man is one of the greatest ever, an outstanding talker, a great worker and as talented as they come. Without Chris Jericho, WWE would never, EVER, be what it is today, as Jericho was one of the saviors during the awful Cena years. Without him, plenty of WWE supporters like me would never have grown up watching the 'E. His greatest accomplishment is his adjustment in style, changing with the times from a rock-star persona to a very serious heel. His work in the ring is outstanding and he defines what a wrestler truly should be.

Before I go to the number one slot, here's a few honorable mentions:

Mick Foley
Matt Sydal
Austin Aries
Drew Galloway

All very talented in their own right, but for one reason or another, didn't make this list. And now, my favorite wrestler is:

1. Randy Orton

This is a no-brainer. Without Randy Orton, I never would've followed wrestling in the first place, as he was the guy who first made it enticing to me. I don't what it is about Orton; his incredibly cool moveset, his calm, unflappable nature in the ring, his personality. Orton epitomized everything that was cool about wrestling; he made me buy into the storylines, follow the matches, watch the events. Without Orton, wrestling just isn't the same. As JBL could tell you; "If you build a sports entertainer from the ground up, you would end up with Randy Orton." Truer words have never been spoken.

That's the list! Hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for more content coming soon.



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