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Showing posts from February, 2016

WWE Fast Lane 2016 recap(AKA Pure Torture)

After an admittedly high grade for the Royal Rumble, could the WWE follow up on the momentum from a good event? No, no they couldn't. This was just a horrible and poorly structured show, continuing with the annual tradition that they started last year. The main event was disappointing with a horrible finish, a poor undercard, and was generally boring and predictable. There really isn't that much to say, and the matches themselves were only memorable for being so sh**. Kalisto and Del Rio on the pre-show was fine for what it was, and the opening Diva's tag match was actually pretty good. Sasha Banks is pretty good at this professional wrestling thing, and was definitely performer of the night. Owens-Ziggler was good for what it was, but I don't understand why fans should care about their fortieth match of this month. There was a six-man tag, and a Diva's title match, neither of which mattered or were important in the slightest way. Styles-Jericho was easily the

Brief Blog Announcement

Hey, this is to any of my followers out there. Stop on by my second blog, Henry's Daily Thoughts, as some new content that I'll be posting. I made a post earlier this month on Dean Ambrose, and there is a new post concerning the news on Wade Barrett and my thoughts. As for this blog, expect a Fastlane review after the show on Sunday, and then we will be back to the regular blog posts.

WWE 2k16 Universe Mode Week 3: NXT

NXT this week features two debuts and some pretty big matches, with NXT's special coming next week. Today's post will build up to that pretty nicely, so let's see what happens. Universe Mode Week 3 NXT Location: Phoenix, AZ Hideo Itami vs Adrian Neville- #1 contender's match for Tyler Breeze's Light Heavyweight Title Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady vs Blake and Murphy Bayley vs Paige AJ Styles and Ricochet vs Baron Corbin and Bo Dallas Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe Summary : We opened NXT, live from Phoenix, Arizona, with a fantastic match-up between Hideo Itami and Adrian Neville, with the winner facing Tyler Breeze for the Light Heavyweight Title next week on NXT. The two traded offense, with Itami scoring an early near fall. Hideo proved he was willing to do whatever it took, hitting a very impressive suicide dive. Neville hit his Frankensteiner, which Hideo kicked out of, straight into a GTS! Neville somehow kicked out at 2, and Hideo hit his Sh

NBA 2k15: The Domino Effect(Intro)

I'm debuting a brand new series on the blog, to become a regular series alongside the Universe Mode, as I'm very uninterested in the Flyers GM mode. Note that I'm playing 2k15, not 2k16, as I don't own that game. It's not a big deal to me, and the older game works better for the series I'm running. Here is the introduction to the series: July 13th, 2014 The King, LeBron James has just finalized his new contract to return home to the Cleveland Cavaliers. In a heartfelt letter written to Sports Illustrated, he outlines the reasons why he wanted to return to the team that drafted him first overall 12 years ago. Old wounds are healed as Cleveland natives rejoice in the return of their hometown hero, "The Decision" quickly becoming a thing of the past. All seems right in the world, but....... I have to question the move from the Cavaliers perspective. On the outset, this was the correct signing, bringing a true home-grown superstar to the team in

WWE 2k16 Universe Mode Week 3: Raw

Welcome back to Universe Mode, where we kick off Week 3. Hope you're enjoying the content thus far, and it should heat up as we build towards the first ppv of the series in just 2 weeks. Tonight, Raw is the star of the show, featuring a collision between D-X and the Wyatts, Lita taking on Naomi, Ryback and John Cena being forced to team, and two big matches, with two spots in a number one contender's match next week on the line. In the first, CM Punk and Chris Jericho go to battle, and in the main event, a triple threat featuring Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar. The winners of both matches face off next week, with the winner of that taking on Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules. Universe Mode Week 3 Monday Night Raw Location: Montreal, Canada D-Generation X vs The Wyatt Family - Elimination Match Lita vs Naomi w/Tamina Ryback and John Cena vs The Dudley Boyz CM Punk vs Chris Jericho Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar Summary: The WWE retu

WWE 2k16 Universe Mode: Currently Signed Matches

Below is a list of the currently signed matches to take place on Week 4 of NXT and Extreme Rules, the big events of April for the Universe Mode. NXT, Week 4 Finn Balor(c) vs Sami Zayn- NXT Championship Match In the main event of the final episode of NXT for April, Finn Balor defends his title against Sami Zayn. The bout is highly anticipated and has the potential to be a MOTY candidate. AJ Styles vs Baron Corbin- No Holds Barred Street Fight In the blowoff match to their ongoing feud, AJ Styles and Baron Corbin will meet in a Street Fight. Both own one victory over the other, with this match breaking the tie. It should be one hell of a slobberknocker. Extreme Rules Raw John Cena(c) vs Ryback- IC Title Match, Last Man Standing After Cena beat Ryback for the belt on the first episode of Raw, Ryback demanded another shot. He destroyed Jay Lethal on the last episode of Raw, earning this match. It will be a Last Man Standing stipulation, and these two should beat the stu

A Milestone For The Blog

Hey guys, hope you've been enjoying the WWE 2k16 Universe Mode coverage. I'm making this post to bring light to a recent milestone we've hit on the blog, as this is post number 200. At 100, I made a big deal out of it, but I'm not going to this time. Instead, I'm just going to contribute a simple thank you. I'm going to make sure that 200 is not the end, but just another step on a very long journey. This blog was started to contain my writing, but I believe it's evolved beyond just that. I've been having a lot of fun over the past few months on this blog, with bigger things yet to come. The Universe Mode is the next big part of my blog, and I hope for it to become my biggest series ever. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. Again, thank you for tuning in for 200 posts, and a thank you in advance for reading the many more to come. -Henry