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WWE 2k16 Universe Mode Week 3: Raw

Welcome back to Universe Mode, where we kick off Week 3. Hope you're enjoying the content thus far, and it should heat up as we build towards the first ppv of the series in just 2 weeks. Tonight, Raw is the star of the show, featuring a collision between D-X and the Wyatts, Lita taking on Naomi, Ryback and John Cena being forced to team, and two big matches, with two spots in a number one contender's match next week on the line. In the first, CM Punk and Chris Jericho go to battle, and in the main event, a triple threat featuring Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar. The winners of both matches face off next week, with the winner of that taking on Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules.

Universe Mode
Week 3
Monday Night Raw
Location: Montreal, Canada

D-Generation X vs The Wyatt Family- Elimination Match

Lita vs Naomi w/Tamina

Ryback and John Cena vs The Dudley Boyz

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar

The WWE returns to Montreal for this episode of Raw, as the Canadian fans should be in for quite a treat. We opened up Raw with a big tag team clash, as The Wyatts and D-X went head to head in an elimination tag team match. The match was a big grudge match, after the two teams were involved in the six man tag last week. The Wyatts gained the early advantage after taking out the ref and administering a two on one beatdown on HBK. A few miscommunications with the Wyatts gave D-X an opening, but a chair shot, unseen by the ref, handed it back. Michaels tried to interject himself into the matchup, but the Wyatts countered that too, with Harper eliminating Triple H. HBK, on his own, fought hard, taking out Rowan, and forced Harper to tap to the Sharpshooter. Michaels shockingly kicked out of Rowan's big slam twice, but Rowan hit a big kick to score the pinfall. Next up, the number one contender to the Women's Title, Lita, in action against Naomi, who had Tamina in her corner. Lita was determined to impress, taking to the assault on both women, hitting multiple spears and suicide dives to take out both. A distraction from Tamina allowed Naomi to hit a big moonsault, but Lita kicked out. Another Tamina distraction allowed Naomi to hit a headscissor DDT, but Lita again kicked out. In the end, Tamina was ejected, and Lita hit a Twist of Fate-Litasault combo for a big win heading into her match with Trish Stratus. In the final preliminary match, Ryback and John Cena were forced to team up against the Dudleyz. The major story was whether or not the two men who will face off for the Intercontinental Title would work together. Early on, they put their problems aside, working well together. Problems arose when Cena hit the AA, upsetting Ryback, who wanted to get the pin. Ryback broke it up, leading to friction between the pair. Ryback then turned down a tag, and refused to help Cena during a pin, forcing Cena to kick out. Eventually, Ryback helped Cena, somewhat unwillingly, but turned down a celebratory handshake after the match.

The first of the two main events was up next, with a potential MOTY candidate as Chris Jericho took on CM Punk. The two men traded offense, with each hitting some nice moves. A Lionsault connected for Jericho, but was unable to get the job done. Punk was clearly still showing some in-ring rust, as he failed to recover from the move. A Liontamer from Jericho was enough to get the job done, forcing Punk to tap out. Unfortunately, a potential great match was ruined by a likely injury from Punk, but Jericho capitalized, moving on to the number one contender's match next week. The main event was up next, featuring a bevy of top talent in a triple threat match. The three men, all determined to earn a shot to face Bray Wyatt, quickly filled the ring up with weapons. The Beast Incarnate then went on a rampage, suplexing everyone in sight, hitting an F-5 on Reigns, which was broken up by Rollins. Rollins then hit a Phoenix Splash on Reigns, which was broken up by Lesnar. Rollins retaliated, hitting a Pedigree on Lesnar on top of a steel chair, but Reigns then broke it up. The three then traded offense, with a few more steel chairs getting involved. In the end though, Rollins took the easy way out, taking out Lesnar with a Pedigree, and Reigns with a sledgehammer, covering Reigns and use some extra leverage on the ropes to get the pinfall. The match was fantastic, and Rollins will meet Jericho next week, with the winner facing Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules. Lesnar is sure to be upset with the ending to the match, so I wonder what will happen next week on Raw.

A great main event helped an otherwise average show, and Jericho-Rollins next week should be outstanding. Punk is also injured after the night's events, so he will miss some time. NXT is next up, and will feature some MAJOR debuts. I won't spoil anything, but it should be good.



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