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Henry's Universe Mode #224: NXT Takeover: San Antonio

Welcome to San Antonio, deep in the heart of Texas. Tonight, Cedric Alexander is in the biggest spotlight of his career as he challenges for the NXT Championship. Can the Queen City's Favorite Son be the man to dethrone Apollo Crews? Plus, Lars Sullivan makes his Takeover debut and three more championship matches.

Universe Mode
NXT Takeover: San Antonio
January 21st, 2018
Location: San Antonio, TX

The Undisputed Era(c) vs TM-61- NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Shane Thorne and Nick Miller had confidence going into this match, and Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly seemed partially rattled. The champions normal tactics simply weren't working, as the challengers had a response for every cheap shot and attempted beatdown. Finally, Fish and O'Reilly were forced to wrestle a straight up match. After a wild flurry of big moves, the only two men left standing were Nick Miller and Bobby Fish. In the end, Fish connected with spinning heel kick, the Fish Hook, to retain the titles for the second time. 

Winners and still NXT Tag Team Champions: The Undisputed Era

Neville(c) vs Akira Tozawa vs Gran Metalik- Cruiserweight Championship Match

This was wall to wall action from the very start, with quite a few near falls. Gran Metalik hit his Metalik Driver on Neville, but Akira Tozawa broke it up, and later, Tozawa prevented Neville's attempted Red Arrow. Akira got the crowd going with a series of chops to both of his competitors, but couldn't hit his snap german suplex. Metalik started rolling with a few aerial maneuvers, before looking for a top rope Spanish Fly on Tozawa. Akira countered with a hurricanrana, and applied an Indian Deathlock. But from the top rope, Neville was ready to take a big chance. Red Arrow onto Tozawa, breaking up the submission! Submission move of his own, Rings of Saturn applied! Tozawa had no choice but to tap and Neville's incredible championship reign continues. 

Winner and still Cruiserweight Champion: Neville

Nikki Cross(c) vs Carmella- NXT Women's Championship Match

Carmella has been showing a more focused side of herself the past few weeks, and she showed that again tonight. The Princess of Staten Island seemed to be at her best, staying one step ahead of the champion while also maintaining a steady stream of trash talk. Finally, Nikki Cross had enough, and unleashed with brutal chops and slaps, before unleashing a stiff headbutt in the corner. That still wasn't enough for the champion, who began choking the challenger, forcing the official to step in and pull Cross away. Carmella still had her wits about her, and managed to lock in the Code of Silence! The whole arena was shocked, and after a long struggle, Nikki Cross was out! Carmella was finally a champion, and she celebrated all the way to the back. 

Winner and the NEW NXT Women's Champion: Carmella

Mojo Rawley vs Lars Sullivan

Mojo Rawley stood no chance in this match, as Lars Sullivan was dominant once again. This match would've been over a lot sooner, but Sullivan demands the screams of agony from his enemies, and was not satisfied. Finally, a top rope headbutt nearly dislocated the shoulder of Rawley, who let out a bellow of pain. A sick smile crept over the face of Lars who delivered the Freak Accident for his first Takeover win. 

Winner: Lars Sullivan

Apollo Crews(c) vs Cedric Alexander- NXT Championship Match

Cedric Alexander started slow, working a few holds and showing his veteran experience by not attempting to go for anything big early. Quickly, though, he shifted his style, flying high to hit a suicide dive. The champion was far from out of it, as he hit a few forearms before whiffing on an enziguiri. A facebuster was then hit by Alexander, who measured for the Lumbar Check but couldn't connect. Momentum shifted in Apollo Crews' favor, and it shifted big. Enziguri, right on the jaw, and then the Gorilla Press, completed with a beautiful standing moonsault! Alexander was out at two, and tried to rally the crowd as he worked towards another big move. From the top rope, an elbow drop connected with nothing but impact! This was it, Alexander could feel the moment upon him.........Lumbar Check! Surely, we were about to crown a new NXT Champion! One...............two.............but not enough! Cedric collapsed in astonishment, but couldn't afford to let Apollo get the time to recover. After an exchange of strikes, Alexander tossed Crews to the floor. He climbed to the top rope, and then delivered another elbow drop, soaring through the skies! The challenger lifted the champion up, and once more, Lumbar Check! Cedric Alexander was finally spent, feeling the effects of an absolute war. He managed to break the count, but had no chance of getting a pin on Crews. Instead, he measure for a third Lumbar Check, but his back gave out. It was the stamina and championship resolve of Apollo Crews that won out, as he had a little bit more still in the tank. An exhausted Cedric Alexander was planted with a DDT, then the spin-out powerbomb, as Apollo Crews retained. 

Winner and still NXT Champion: Apollo Crews

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