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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): NXT Takeover: New York

 Tonight, NXT presents two massive main events, representing the best the men and women of the brand have to offer. First, you have Rhea Ripley and Io Shirai, the only two champions for the women's division in NXT throughout Season 5, facing off one-on-one for the second time. They each present a unique and intense style, and could easily put together a Match of the Year contender. Then, going on last is the collision between teacher and pupil, a dangerous psychopath against an unrelenting force of nature, as Tommaso Ciampa defends the NXT Championship against Keith Lee. It's "Blackzilla" against "The Blackheart", as these two former allies decide the future of Wednesday nights. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, and welcome to NXT's Season 5 finale. 

Universe Mode
NXT Takeover: New York
April 4th, 2020

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Heavy Machinery vs The Street Profits

This was an elimination triple threat tag team match, meaning two teams started and competed until one lost, at which point the third team would enter. This one kicked off with the Grizzled Young Veterans and Heavy Machinery, and the tandem of Otis and Tucker took control quickly, using their massive size advantage to over-power Drake and Gibson. But the two Brits were crafty, with Drake using a set of brass knuckles to lay Otis out. Tucker fought for everything he had, but seemed to have finally fallen after a big forearm by Drake and the Helter Skelter from Gibson. From out of the sky came Otis, diving in to take out both members of the opposing team! Tucker made the tag and Otis cleaned house, finishing Gibson off with a big front slam.

Now Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford entered, facing much weakened opposition. There was briefly hope for Heavy Machinery after Tucker took down Dawkins with Project Mayhem, but Otis' Catterpilar Elbow Drop came up empty, allowing the Street Profits to put him away with the Spinebuster/Frog Splash combo. 

Winners: The Street Profits


Mandy Rose vs Sonya Deville

"The Golden Goddess" seemed relatively unconcerned about facing her friend and ally in singles competition, laying on the apron to pose for pictures by the ringside camera crew while Sonya Deville made her entrance. But this proved to be actual strategy rather than ego on the part of Mandy Rose, as she jumped Deville right after the bell rang, which Sonya was completely unprepared for. Rose was out to send a message on this night, and once again came so close to a massive win after a big running knee strike. Getting clocked like that finally got Deville back in her element, and now the fight was on. Both of these supposed best friends went at it, trading shots in an attempt to prove to themselves and to each other just how the better woman was. In the end, it was Deville who would gain victory on this night, taking Rose down with a big roundhouse kick before forcing her to tap to the triangle armbar. 

Winner: Sonya Deville


After the match, Deville requested a mic, seeking to clear the air. She was impressed by what Rose had shown, both on this night and at Takeover: Phoenix, and admitted that there where she was thought she in genuine trouble, showing just how far Mandy had come as a competitor. Sonya is looking to take the step up to either Raw or SmackDown, and wanted Mandy to come with her, offering a handshake. But Rose, clearly more concerned about losing than compliments, declined, choosing instead to exit the ring, furiously cursing out the camera crew for distracting her before walking up the ramp, leaving Deville distraught and confused in the ring. 

Moustache Mountain(c) vs Imperium- NXT Tag Team Championship Match

In honor of this championship collision, WALTER sent Marcel Barthel to the back, intending for he and Alexander Wolfe to win the gold legitimately. They went out and dominated, as Tyler Bate and Trent Seven were clearly not fully healthy. The champions gave it their best shot, as Bate managed to send Wolfe flying with an exploder suplex, and Seven got a very close near fall off Seventh Heaven. Trent attempted to connect with the Burning Hammer but couldn't complete the move, collapsing under Wolfe's weight. He was forced to make the tag to Tyler, giving enough time to Wolfe as he made a tag as well. Bate was the complete underdog here, exhausted after delivering that suplex and unable to do anything to WALTER, who finished off NXT's longest reigning tag team champions with an emphatic powerbomb. 

Winners and the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions: Imperium

Buddy Murphy(c) vs Cedric Alexander- NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

We saw a more aggressive side of Cedric Alexander during the contract signing for this match, and we saw more of it after the bell rang. The challenger took a cheap shot after an early tie-up, and just exploded. Murphy was forced to roll to the outside, where he realized that he might need to look for a count-out rather than a pinfall. Murphy was able to plant Alexander with a powerbomb, but Cedric beat the count back in. That plan was scuppered, so Buddy tried a roll-up, but Cedric countered into a low bridge and nearly scored the three count. Alexander had retaken control, and came so close to winning the title for a second time, lighting Murphy's chest up with a PK before dropping with a Brainbuster. The Lumbar Check could not connect, as Murphy flipped free and knocked Alexander loopy with an enziguri. Finally, the champion had his opening, and he didn't waste it. He followed up with multiple big knee strikes, before nailing Murphy's Law to remain the kingpin of the Cruiserweight division. 

Winner and still NXT Cruiserweight Champion: Buddy Murphy


Drew Gulak vs Matt Riddle

After Gulak's attack on NXT, this was now personal for these two men, and it showed. They punished each other, Riddle with his strikes and Gulak with his torturous submission holds, each intending to dismantle the other. But Gulak had a massive edge thanks to his rigorous training regime, and he had an answer for everything, including the Bro-mission, which he escaped quickly. After scoring a few near falls off suplexes, Gulak went for the kill. He drilled Riddle with a running forearm in the corner, before catching a dazed "King of Bros" with a lariat to the back of the skull. From there, Gulak took Riddle from the ground straight into his Dragon Sleeper, arm locked firmly under Riddle's jaw, taking all his oxygen away. Riddle was determined not to tap, not to end his NXT career in that kind of humiliation, but lost all fight as he slipped into unconsciousness after about a thirty second long struggle. The referee stepped in to call it, as Drew Gulak had gotten his revenge. 

Winner: Drew Gulak



The referee revived Matt Riddle, who slowly recovered as he watched Gulak celebrate, bitter disappointment clearly evident on his face. Gulak exited to leave Riddle alone in the ring, passing by a returning Cedric Alexader. The two-time Cruiserweight Champion called for a mic, and announced that, just like Matt Riddle, he was leaving NXT in free agency. He and Riddle had actually both worked on their contracts together, and both were leaving after tonight, but neither would forget this brand and what they had accomplished here. Alexander lifted Riddle's arm high in the air to plenty of applause, as the NXT fans say goodbye to two of the brand's best. 

Rhea Ripley(c) vs Io Shirai- NXT Women's Championship Match

These two women put on an absolute classic on this night in Brooklyn, more than fitting of their combined talent. They tore into each other from the opening bell, using their feet to raise welts on their opposite's face, before trading some electric near falls. The Riptide nearly ended proceedings for Shirai, though "The Genius of the Sky" showed her power, hitting her German suplex for a near fall. Io drilled Rhea with her running shooting star press, driving both knees into the champion's midsection, but Ripley quickly gained revenge, knocking the challenger loopy with a crescent kick. An incredible exchange followed, as Ripley connected flush with a running big boot, only for Shirai to amass all the fighting spirit she could muster, stumbling back to her feet to nail a running knee and both women fell to the canvas. The faithful in the Barclays Center went nuts, showering both women with "NXT" chants. Shirai looked again for the German suplex, but Ripley fought free and knocked Shirai to the floor with a dropkick. On the outside, Rhea had evil thoughts on her mind, clearing the announce table. Shirai was able to counter a potential powerbomb through the table by landing on her feet, sending the champion back into the ring and scaling to the top rope. The moonsault would likely spell Rhea's doom, and the champion knew it. She leapt back to her feet, stopping Shirai on the top and using her immense strength to lift the challenger onto her shoulders. Ripley then brought Shirai crashing back down with another Riptide! The awe-inspiring move ended this tremendous contest, a showcase of the best of women's wrestling. 

Winner and still NXT Women's Champion: Rhea Ripley

Tommaso Ciampa(c) vs Keith Lee- NXT Championship Match

"The Blackheart" knew how much trouble he was in going into this main event, though he had prepared a few tricks. First, he tried to reason with Keith Lee, apologizing for wronging him in the past, and when that didn't work, Ciampa ran to the outside, trying desperately to escape a seemingly unwinnable situation. But that just made his predicament worse, as the challenger caught the champion on the outside, and noticing the already cleared announce table, sent Ciampa right through it with the Spirit Bomb! Ciampa seemed to be lifeless, but when Lee rolled him back into the ring and made the cover, Tommaso kicked out. Keith decided more punishment was in order, but Tommaso was a step ahead, dodging the Pounce, as the challenger barrelled into the official instead. Ciampa knew his moment had arrived, and dropped Lee to his knees with a low blow, before nailing the sliding knee strike. The ref took a few extra moments to recover and administer a count, and that was all the time Lee needed to recover, emphatically kicking out at two. "The Limitless One" then showcased his athleticism, knocking down Ciampa with a dropkick before taking flight with a big splash off the top rope! The crowd began to rally behind the challenger, knowing the end was near, and it was. Lee hit another Spirit Bomb, but decided that Ciampa hadn't gone through enough yet. For a third time, the champion was lifted high in the air, and this time, Lee delivered Project Ciampa! It was a humiliating final blow to end Tommaso Ciampa's year-long title reign. 

Winner and the NEW NXT Champion: Keith Lee

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.   


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