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Showing posts from 2010

Beetles vs Ants: A war Story

This is an excerpt from my upcoming story, Beetle vs Ants: A war Story. I won't give many details here, because I don't want spoil the surprise. Just know this is about a warrior's final stand. The beetle ran up the turret, using the steps as a launching pad. I followed him, charges stuck firmly in my pocket. I knew I would need them as I chased after the warrior. He fired a shot that got a lucky bounce and killed three of my comrades. Rage thundering through my mind, I knocked him down with the baton hidden in my belt. I caught up to him, watching his face change into a snarl. I slipped by the unresisting guard of the blade he carried to fights, and stuffed his body full of charges. Leaping off and sailing towards the ground, I blew up the charges and heard his scream as he blew. Falling, I saw the enemy crowd the bottom. I pulled out my trusty, ragged rifle to engage them, but before I had even taken a shot, a beetle sniper shot the gun out of my hands. I quickly turne...

The Pug Who Always Finished Second (Chapter Five)

Previously, we learned that Pugtacular had been cancelled. And now, back to the story. Trinket's Journal Jan 29, 2006 The humans had a big argument at dinner. Mom thought that Bucky should opt out of next year's Pugtacular. Given his recent success, I have to admit that she has a point. However, Dad seemed to think otherwise, saying that she should keep hope. It turned into a big yelling match, with Mom yelling at Dad, and Dad defending his point, though not very well, I might add. Meanwhile me and Bucky were hiding under the table. "What do you think?" I barked. "About what?" "Do you want to go to Pugtacular next year?" "About that," he barked,"I don't know. I honestly don't know." That was good enough of an answer for me. Good enough. Jan 30, 2006 My birthday! Henry cuddled me and told me I was the greatest little doggy in the world, which I suppose lifts your morale, even if you hear it twenty ...

The Pug That Always Finished Second(chapter four)

Well, a year came and past. For the purpose of this story, I will send you, reader to the day before Pugtacular where we meet our furry hero.....well, I won't tell you. Reader, sit back and enjoy.(or perhaps you won't) I wish I could say that Bucky was having a fun time on the day before Pugtacular. Unfortunately, he wasn't. In fact Bucky, at this particular moment, was vomiting. To say that Bucky was having a fun time is stretching the truth to a breaking point. Let's just say that he was glad he did not have to participate in any races, and leave it at that. "Bucky, I really think you should stop vomiting. You know the race is in three hours and you need to be ready," said Trinket. "I can't help it. I keep thinking of last year!" wailed Bucky. "Oh, you'll do fine," Trinket reassured him."I just wish I was coming." Just then Mom entered the room, carrying the soggy towels she had been using to clean up ...

Animal Adventures part 1 of 5

On a windy afternoon with some hail coming down , a huge boat set off to explore San Francisco Bay. Yes, I was on it. We were off on our "Discovery Voyage", a field trip where we would all pile onto a boat, and explore the bay for four hours. Boy, was it fun! We (my fifth-grade class) were exploring the bay with special scientists whose job it was to check on the creatures of the bay. It sounded boring to me, so I geared for 4 ho urs of trying not to be seasick. It wasn't that boring. I mean, sure, we started out with the usual safety talk. But after that, all fun. First, they had us divide into three groups, since they had three stations to explore. Launch First Mission. Begging first transmission: First Station: At the first station, we were studying mud and the creatures that live in it. We talked about different "Invaders", creatures that had come to the bay and began killing the creatures that lived there. Then, using the cranks and levers and rope, eve...

Bucky and Trinket: A dog's life (Chapter 1, part 1)

Chapter 1 part 1 (Trinket) Rinnnnnnngggggggg! Trinket pricked up his ears as Mom, dressed in her baking apron, rushed to the phone. The Keys family had been awaiting a call from their dog's veterinarian, a woman named Ms. Self. She was very small and had been stuck taking care of sick dogs for twenty-five years, which had driven to be very to herself, hardly talking except to prescribe some very dangerous medication which made dogs vomit all over whatever was in the vicinity (tables, people, lamps, books, magazines etc). Trinket hated her. Mom answered the phone, looking downcast as she was answered with a machine telling her to pay off her bills. "Can't be long now", she said, as Trinket took cover underneath a chair at just the thought of Ms. Self's voice on the phone. The reason for the call was because Trinket had recently begun to talk during dinnertime. When the pug began to talk, no one batted an eyelash. He had been born to talk. It just came naturally....

Preview of Bucky and Trinket: A dog's life

This is just a preview of my new story: Bucky and Trinket: A dog's life . Enjoy! Introduction On the day of January 30, 1995, a small dog with a huge sense of humor was born into the slightly biggish world. His name was Trinket, for he was the runt of the litter, or so the story is told. He enjoys talking and being slam-dunked on (though not very much. Actually, he doesn't like it at all.). This small dog was born with a white T on his chest, as evidence of super-dog powers, consisting of licking and being hugged. Trinket's birth was a mere blemish on the year 1995. It was early on in the year, and nobody, not even the dog in question, knew what big events were yet to come. The Keys family made what is a now legendary visit to the Flea Market at the time of who-knows-when. Once there, they purchased a black pug for the family's enjoyment. This pug's birthday was November 15, 1995, which is now known to people everywhere as the day to drop under a piece of big fur...

"I have a dog today" speech

I have a dog today. A black dog, a white dog A gray dog, a green dog A blue dog, a red dog And a yellow dog. I have a dog today. He is a black dog With long whiskers And a big snout. I have a dog today. He is my dog. And his name is Trinket. I have a dog today. With an extra-long tail And a happy-go-lucky attitude. I have a dog today. He will stir the deep Black potions of my heart. He will smell me And express his joy. I have a dog today. A dog tomorrow And a dog the day after that. I have a dog today. He is a good dog A bad dog A cute dog A fat dog A thin dog And a happy dog. I have a dog today. He is a nice dog A happy dog And he is my dog. I have a dog today. Let all dogs be free Happy Barking Singing And let happiness rule the land!

Two Dog Songs for Family Enjoyment

The Dog Nickname Song written by Henry (solo) His name is Trinket Short name Tuko But we all call him Snakeneck (chorus) The dog nickname song Ohhhhhhhhhh The dog nickname song Yeah, (pause) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (solo) His name is Bucky Short name Bucks But we all call him Bucket (chorus) So it's Trinket, Bucky and everyone here Let's all cellllllllllllllebrate! The doooooooogggggg (pause) nickkkkk-name song Lonely Is the Dog That Stays Home written by Dad add-ons by Henry Trinket cry your heart out, Bucky gets to go out Over the hills to Santa Cruz Mommy paid the big bucks, For me to do T-Toch Now I'm on the way to Santa Cruz Bucky's on a surfboard, Now he's on the boardwalk Cheese on a stick tastes real good Trinket has to stay home, he's there all alone Probably feeling misunderstood Oh yeah, Trinket cry your heart out Bucky gets to go out Life in Los Gatos is not fair Trinket cry your heart out, Bucky gets to go out It's more than any doggie can...

Why Pine Tree Has Spiky Leaves

A very long time ago, in a deserted desert, there lived a boastful Pine Tree. Pine Tree loved to boast about his abilities. Eagle also lived in the desert. Eagle was very kind and would never dream of having to hurt anyone. But Pine Tree would not approve of the behavior. Pine Tree would go around, trying to tease Eagle. Eagle would try to ignore Pine Tree. Eventually, Eagle could take no more. "Stop it, Pine Tree!" Eagle cried. These words would eventually make a full-out war. And that night, the war started. It was a fine evening. However, Pine Tree wasn't enjoying it. He had a plan to get back at Eagle. "I hate Eagle," he muttered to himself. "I will get back at him." Pine Tree's plan was simple. He would wait until Eagle flew down on his night meal. Pine Tree would mutter "I've got you, Eagle." in the voice of a frog. When Eagle looked away, Pine Tree would swing his leaves and trap Eagle in his leaves. Pine Tree smiled a wicked...

Pics of San Francisco

These are two pictures from a meat department we went to. This is Pier 39's Christmas tree. This is a new chocolate store that, in about a year or so, will begin tours. These are two fancy chocolate pieces! My dad got a bag of hazelnuts here. I don't know why I took this picture. Fancy boat, though.

San Francisco

On Thursday, we visited SF. It was pretty fun. We visited the Ferry Building Market (where they had fresh produce), the boardwalk (where I had good clam chowder with an extra order of shrimp tossed in) and Pier 39. On my next post, I will show some pictures I took using the new camera I got for Christmas. On another note, I'm happy to send out my 50th post on this blog. Next up: 100.