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Showing posts from February, 2010

"I have a dog today" speech

I have a dog today. A black dog, a white dog A gray dog, a green dog A blue dog, a red dog And a yellow dog. I have a dog today. He is a black dog With long whiskers And a big snout. I have a dog today. He is my dog. And his name is Trinket. I have a dog today. With an extra-long tail And a happy-go-lucky attitude. I have a dog today. He will stir the deep Black potions of my heart. He will smell me And express his joy. I have a dog today. A dog tomorrow And a dog the day after that. I have a dog today. He is a good dog A bad dog A cute dog A fat dog A thin dog And a happy dog. I have a dog today. He is a nice dog A happy dog And he is my dog. I have a dog today. Let all dogs be free Happy Barking Singing And let happiness rule the land!

Two Dog Songs for Family Enjoyment

The Dog Nickname Song written by Henry (solo) His name is Trinket Short name Tuko But we all call him Snakeneck (chorus) The dog nickname song Ohhhhhhhhhh The dog nickname song Yeah, (pause) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (solo) His name is Bucky Short name Bucks But we all call him Bucket (chorus) So it's Trinket, Bucky and everyone here Let's all cellllllllllllllebrate! The doooooooogggggg (pause) nickkkkk-name song Lonely Is the Dog That Stays Home written by Dad add-ons by Henry Trinket cry your heart out, Bucky gets to go out Over the hills to Santa Cruz Mommy paid the big bucks, For me to do T-Toch Now I'm on the way to Santa Cruz Bucky's on a surfboard, Now he's on the boardwalk Cheese on a stick tastes real good Trinket has to stay home, he's there all alone Probably feeling misunderstood Oh yeah, Trinket cry your heart out Bucky gets to go out Life in Los Gatos is not fair Trinket cry your heart out, Bucky gets to go out It's more than any doggie can...

Why Pine Tree Has Spiky Leaves

A very long time ago, in a deserted desert, there lived a boastful Pine Tree. Pine Tree loved to boast about his abilities. Eagle also lived in the desert. Eagle was very kind and would never dream of having to hurt anyone. But Pine Tree would not approve of the behavior. Pine Tree would go around, trying to tease Eagle. Eagle would try to ignore Pine Tree. Eventually, Eagle could take no more. "Stop it, Pine Tree!" Eagle cried. These words would eventually make a full-out war. And that night, the war started. It was a fine evening. However, Pine Tree wasn't enjoying it. He had a plan to get back at Eagle. "I hate Eagle," he muttered to himself. "I will get back at him." Pine Tree's plan was simple. He would wait until Eagle flew down on his night meal. Pine Tree would mutter "I've got you, Eagle." in the voice of a frog. When Eagle looked away, Pine Tree would swing his leaves and trap Eagle in his leaves. Pine Tree smiled a wicked...