On a windy afternoon with some hail coming down , a huge boat set off to explore San Francisco Bay. Yes, I was on it. We were off on our "Discovery Voyage", a field trip where we would all pile onto a boat, and explore the bay for four hours. Boy, was it fun! We (my fifth-grade class) were exploring the bay with special scientists whose job it was to check on the creatures of the bay. It sounded boring to me, so I geared for 4 ho urs of trying not to be seasick. It wasn't that boring. I mean, sure, we started out with the usual safety talk. But after that, all fun. First, they had us divide into three groups, since they had three stations to explore. Launch First Mission. Begging first transmission: First Station: At the first station, we were studying mud and the creatures that live in it. We talked about different "Invaders", creatures that had come to the bay and began killing the creatures that lived there. Then, using the cranks and levers and rope, eve...