On July 3rd, I picked fruit with Village Harvest, a charity group who picks fruit off of people's trees to donate to the food bank. The first house we visited had plums, oodles and oodles of plums. We made the mistake of shaking them down, as most of them were very ripe and exploded. Believe me, it was as bad as it sounds. When I was doing the sorting, tossing out the bad ones and keeping the good ones to give away, my gloves got soaked from plum juice. More than half of the plums we collected were no good. Oh well, onto the next house. The next house we visited had apricots and lemons. Most of the apricots we were taking were high up in the tree, so I got to climb the gigantic ladder! It was pretty fun considering the ladder was four times the size of me! The next house we visited after that was about as big as an orchard. They had two lemon trees, two plum trees, and an apricot tree. I was busy picking the lemons the entire time, and I managed to pick about fifty pounds of lemons...