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Showing posts from December, 2015

NXT Takeover: London Recap

Ladies and gentlemen, here it is. My first NXT Takeover recap on this blog, and I couldn't be more excited. I just finished watching an excellent show, and I can't wait to share my thoughts. NXT was in a position they're not used to, having to follow a recent upward trend from the main roster. Roman Reigns has really stepped in as the top face, leading the WWE to a massive burst of momentum. TLC on Sunday was great, probably the best PPV since Wrestlemania, but that was mainly thanks to a few good matches. NXT's strength has always been a complete card, and that led them to victory, at least in my eyes. The crowd was hot all night, beginning with the opening contest, Japanese sensation Asuka and a revitalized heel Emma. This match was nothing special, but delivered on every spot that was required. Dana Brooke is an excellent manager, and has come a long way from the nuclear heat she was receiving when she first debuted. Up next is a true MOTN candidate, and was prob...

WWE TLC 2015 Recap

Wow. Just, wow. (Note: This review was written before Raw aired and as such will not include any aspect of the show. Raw was amazing though.) The WWE over the past few years has prioritized safety over any other aspect of the company. It's the primary reason they've stuck with PG programming for as long as they have, as it has dramatically lowered the rate of injuries(sorry to Daniel, Cesaro and Seth). Tonight was an exhibition of how to push the limits of PG to the absolute maximum. Let's run through one of the best shows of 2015. Also, these recaps have changed in format. I'm no longer going in depth into every match, and saving most of the analysis for the main event(s). The show opens with the kind of match a show should open with: a ladder match. I have to say, this match was INSANE. Pretty much every team delivered(looking at you, Usos) with a big spot or two, and it was just so much fun to watch. Kalisto delivering the SDS, Xavier doing commentary and throw...

South Park "PC Principal Final Justice" Review

F**k. It's Finale Night on South Park, and time to end a season long story line. Or so you think. Yep, in the ultimate swerve, the story continues, PC Principal is a good guy, Randy is right, Kyle is wrong, and Matt and Trey spend too much playing Mortal Kombat. Is that you, Vince Russo? Where to begin? On a season of fairly strong episodes, this one stuck out to me as one of the worst. Although it delivered some great moments, they were few and far between, washed out by a combination of incredibly wonky pacing and bad storytelling. Let's run through the end to each individual story. PC Principal ends up becoming the main focus this episode, nothing I would've ever seen coming. Even more surprisingly, he was fantastic for the role. He fights a brutal battle with ads at the beginning, gets pissed off for a while, then murders Leslie. Everything felt natural, a guy who had been manipulated by a higher power, found out that his beliefs were being challenged, became unh...

South Park "Truth and Advertising" Review

I created this blog because I wished to write about South Park, to stare down writers' block with a steel gaze, and see if I could not review forever, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not blogged. -Henry David Thoreau  Keys Hope you enjoyed that. On to more serious matters. We got some South Park sh** to talk about, more specifically "Truth and Advertising". I've read some complaints about this episode, and I don't believe they're truly warranted. This episode wasn't the best of the season, but it delivered on several levels. There were some storyline nuances that needed sorting out, but I didn't feel they really made the episode horrible. There was no true main or side plots, but about three or four seperate branching storylines that I'll go through one by one. We start with Jimmy, the star of last week, who has just discovered that Leslie is an ad. Despite that, she manages to fool him into letting her go("His d*** has...