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WWE Night of Champions 2015 recap

Seth freaking Rollins. I have nothing to add other than that. I've been watching most of the PPVs, and I finally decided to start recapping them. Let's get to it


1st match: Intercontinental Title Match          Winner: Kevin Owens(new champion)

Alright, so we kick off with.......Ryback vs Kevin Owens. Really? I mean nothing against these two, but they shouldn't be starting a PPV. This was designed to be a slow, methodical match between two big guys, and that's what it was. A slow match shouldn't start a PPV, period. Other than that. no problems until the finish. I know Owens is supposed to be the dastardly heel, but I would've preferred a more flattering finish. The eye rake was fine, but a Kevin Owens match shouldn't end with a roll up. Congrats new champ, you will get buried within six months, tops.

Lesnar vs Taker scheduled for Hell in a Cell 

Eh, not much from me. Hopefully they actually come up with a decent finish this time.

2nd match: Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev          Winner: Dolph Ziggler(via a shoe)

I'm not even joking. Dolph Ziggler won a match via Summer Rae's shoe. This was the worst match on the card, definitely in competition for worst PPV match of the year. It was dull, went on way too long, and they came up with an awful finish. I was watching this match late at night, and I nearly fell asleep. Actually, looking back on it, I wish I had. It would've saved me from watching this match. However, the worst is yet to come.....

3rd match: Tag Team Championship match          Winner: Dudley Boyz(via disqualification)

Yep. Rounding out the trifecta of bad finishes, here's the worst example yet. I literally have no words for how bad the ending was. The Dudleyz should not be in championship matches, love 'em to death, but they've gotten too old for this, and the New Day were decent although unspectacular. This was a DISASTER.

Nikki Bella cuts her first good promo ever

Yep, Nikki Bella did not put me to sleep(ala Ziggler vs Rusev), and actually was really good. I know, shocking right? The champ has the charisma, the swagger and all the momentum in the world......and it's gone.

4th match: Divas Title Match          Winner: Charlotte(new champion)

I'm so glad we got emotionally invested on Monday night, because the WWE has now given Charlotte the title, but six days later. I mean really? This finish was so predictable and Charlotte celebrating winning the title just didn't feel the same after we saw the EXACT SAME THING on Monday. I'll give credit where it's due though, these two have very good chemistry, and it showed. This was easily the second best match on the card, albeit a very bad card, and it's not often a women's match is this good. The Diva's revolution has been a major flop thus far, but this may be the signs that it is actually kicking into high gear.

The new champ gets interviewed, wait what?

I mean, Owens is a great talker and is excellent cutting promos, but why is he still here? Shouldn't he be off celebrating? After the travesty of almost every match being horrible, however, I'm not even surprised anymore.

The weirdest backstage segment ever

Why is Charlotte still here? I mean, I guess she just won, but this segment didn't strike me as anything more than a time-filler. Ric Flair and Team PCB have absolutely no chemistry, and this whole thing was just a trainwreck. I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling about this. Am I supposed to be happy seeing a father and his daughter celebrate? I've seen this twice in a week, and about ten times overall, counting NXT. Paige just doesn't fit in, Becky didn't really have anything to do with this, and I spent most of the time hoping Owens would just roll in and destroy everyone. Am I in the wrong for thinking that?

And the Shield's partner is.......

OMG! It's Chris F***ing Jericho! It's makes very little sense, but OMG it's Chris Jericho! Storyline continuity for the win! Did I mention it was Chris Jericho?

5th match: Wyatt Family vs Shieldericho        Winner: Braun Strowman, Wyatt Family

I don't know. I mean they got my favorite wrestler of all time in there(OMG it's Chris Jericho!), and this still seemed like a flop to me. We didn't get the war we were expecting. It just became Braun Strowman domination time, which I guess would've been fine if we weren't promised a WAR. I suppose this match only failed because of high expectations, but it still was better than almost every other match thus far.

Lesnar vs Taker scheduled for Hell in a Cell....wait what?

Am I imaging this? No, WWE actually ran the same promo twice. Except this time, we added in a few wrestlers talking about the Hell in a Cell, and there was a new graphic or two. Enjoy!

6th match: United States title match          Winner: John Cena(new champion)

Unsuprisingly, this match tore the house down. The only complaint I have is the odd face/heel combination here. Rollins is clearly over as a face(he lead a wave, for heaven's sake), whereas Cena is getting massively booed. I mean, Rollins even went for the Frog Splash, which got a massive pop. If the WWE want to keep Rollins heel, they need to cut down on just some of this. It seems like they're telling him to get as massively over as possible, looking over the fact that he is the MAIN HEEL IN THE COMPANY. Whatever, man. No real comments on the finish, and it's probably the right idea to put the title back on Cena.

7th match: WWE Championship Match          Winner: Seth Rollins

This was about as good as it possibly could have been. Sting just isn't capable of competing in a main event match, and it just dropped the quality of everything. Also, Rollins takes another step towards a face turn. He could've left the title and been done with it, but chose the honorable method of coming back to the match to defeat the Stinger clean. Rollins needs to be turned, NOW. Not after CSI, not after Survivor Series, NOW.


Quick poll:

What do you think happened after the main event?

A) Seth Rollins shook the hand of a worthy competitor and turned face
B) Seth Rollins departed through the crowd, only pausing to celebrate ala CM Punk
C) Seth Rollins revealed he is the newest member of the Bullet Club, getting a huge pop
D) A guy with a mohawk carrying a briefcase kicked Rollins in the head, and went to cash in said briefcase before a douchebag in a red mask ruined everyone's day

Why, Answer D of course. Yep. Ladies and Gentlemen, the WWE.

Final Thoughts:

This was a bad show following a string of bad shows. With Kane back in the picture, it seems like things are only going to get worse. Two matches were pretty good, and everything else ranged from okay(Rollins vs Sting) to pretty bad(Wyatt Family match) to absolutely horrible(everything else). But hey, at least we got the US open challenge back.

Grade(out of 10):

4(and I'm being generous)


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