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The Revolution: Episode 14(King is Born)

Tonight, on The Revolution, the self professed "Master of Strong Style" Hideo Itami faces NXT's newest signing, the "King of Strong Style" Shinsuke Nakamura! The winner of this massive contest will receive the third spot in the North American Championship ladder match. For the first time since being told he may be fired at NXT Arrival, Samoa Joe is in action, and promises to address his No Holds Barred match with Seth Rollins. But before any of that, the NXT Champion Cesaro is here, as he and Bobby Roode sign the contract for their championship match.

This was the first opportunity to see Cesaro since capturing the NXT Championship, and he already had the air of a champion, walking to ring clad in a very nice suit, championship belt over his shoulder. There were no theatrics from Bobby Roode on this night, as he simply walked to the ring, all business. The two got right down too it, quickly signing the contract after exchanging a few words. It was then that all hell broke loose, as Cesaro's tag partner, Sheamus, slid into the ring, attacking Roode from behind. But running from the back was AJ Styles, who had obviously seen this coming. He was armed with a chair, and came to Roode's aid, warding off both Sheamus and Cesaro. He knelt down to lift up a recovering Roode, and left the ring, but not before uttering these words- "You owe me one". Did AJ save Bobby out of the goodness of his heart, or does he have ulterior motives?

Kofi Kingston vs Samoa Joe

One third of the fun loving group, the New Day, Kofi Kingston looked to bring the "Power of Positivity" to his match with the destructive Samoa Joe. The power of Joe was evident early, as he tossed Kingston around, before nailing him in the jaw with a stiff headbutt. Kofi fired right back, not standing down, hitting a succession of high flying moves and finishing off with his signature Boom Drop, but only for a one count. Kingston rallied the crowd, looking for Trouble in Paradise, but Joe countered, and climbed to the top rope to deliver a nasty spinning side kick. The Chimera-plex then connected, and it seemed like the Coquina Clutch was about to be locked in.....but Kofi countered, and nailed Joe with Trouble in Paradise! One........two.........but that still wasn't enough, as Joe got the shoulder up. Another headbutt, followed with a standing senton, before Joe climbed to the top rope to deliver an even bigger senton. Kofi was struggling for breath, but there was no reprieve....

Winner: Samoa Joe
Finish: Coquina Clutch

Joe then took to the mic, with a very simple statement for Seth Rollins. Rollins discovered once what Joe is capable of, and "The Destroyer" is eager to show him even more pain. Last time, Seth was still able to fight after Joe was finished, and even though he got easily dismantled by Cesaro, that fact eats away at Samoa Joe. At NXT Arrival, there will be no mistakes. This time, Seth Rollins will not live to fight another day. He is Samoa Joe, and he's only leaving NXT when he damn well feels like it. 

Hideo Itami vs Shinsuke Nakamura

With two of the hardest hitters in the entire world battling in our main event, you could expect a stiff match, but this went above and beyond that. For over twenty minutes, Hideo Itami and Shinsuke Nakamura kicked, chopped and punched each other, until both men were opened wide. It stated when Shinsuke took Hideo to the outside of the ring with a nasty suplex, before dropped Itami again on the floor with his reverse exploder suplex. That was not nearly enough for Nakamura, who dragged Hideo back into the ring, kicking and stomping him repeatedly. Shinsuke focused some work on the arm, focusing on the joint with his strikes, before putting Itami's arm in a hammerlock and attempting to break it. This was a step too far, and when Hideo was able to get back to his feet, he let Shinsuke have it. He quickly opened Shinsuke up with forearms, including more rapid fire strikes in the corner, as the official nearly had to call the match off then and there. A dazed Nakamura stumbled right into a deadly combo of strikes and kicks, as Itami worked toward the Busaiku Knee. The running step-up proved to be Hideo's downfall, as even a possibly concussed Nakamura was able to get out of the way. From the middle rope, knee to the face of Hideo! "The King of Strong Style" was starting to fire back, and signaled for the finishing blow, the Kinsasha. But no!. A drop toe hold from Itami kept him alive. Busaiku Knee, this time with almost no run up, nothing but impact! It was somehow only a near fall, though, as Nakamura just barely got his shoulder off the canvas. A frustrated Hideo dragged Shinsuke to his feet, looking for an enziguri, but Nakamura countered with a back elbow to the forehead, and now Itami was bleeding. Like a shark in the water, Shinsuke saw the end....

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
Finish: Kinshasa


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