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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 4) Episode 36: NXT Takeover: New Orleans

Tonight, on the eve of WrestleMania, NXT takes over the Big Easy. Tonight in the NXT debut of Tommaso Ciampa as he challenges EC3 for the NXT Championship in the main event. Plus, big rematches between Toni Storm and Io Shirai as well as Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander and more!

Universe Mode
NXT Takeover: New Orleans
March 30th, 2019
Location: New Orleans, LA

Lars Sullivan vs ???

Opposing The Freak tonight was a new NXT signing..............the Ring General, WALTER!

WALTER showed Lars Sullivan the true meaning of the word dominance in this match, turning Sullivan's chest completely red with his vicious chops. WALTER would even powerbomb Sullivan into the ring apron, but Lars still had some fight left. Following a powerbomb of his own, Lars would look for his diving headbutt, but found only canvas. WALTER, with lightning quick agility, popped to his feet and applied the rear naked choke, and Sullivan passed out in the middle of the ring. 

Winner: WALTER

Mustafa Ali(c) vs Cedric Alexander- Two out of Three Falls Match for the Cruiserweight Championship

Cedric Alexander would continue to be flummoxed by Mustafa Ali, as early on, Ali would counter Alexander's hurricanrana into a running sit-out powerbomb for the first fall. From there, the match would shift into the challenger's favor. Alexander did everything he could to keep Ali down, but nothing, not even a springboard lariat or a brainbuster, could get the job done. Finally, Cedric managed to hit the Lumbar Check and get his first fall, evening things up. Following a rest period, Mustafa had new life. The champion managed to hit the top rope Spanish Fly, which set him up perfectly for the 0-5-4 to win the match. But Alexander got the knees up, and planted Ali with a second brainbuster. Intent on finishing things off once and for all, Alexander dragged Ali to the ropes, and then hit him with a DDT on the ring apron! This barbaric move was enough, as the Age of Alexander resumes and Mustafa Ali was left in a pool of his own blood. 

Winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander

The War Raiders(c) vs Moustache Mountain- NXT Tag Team Championship Match

This looked like a typical title defense for the War Raiders, and may have been just that if not for the heart of Trent Seven. Seven took the brunt of Hanson and Rowe's offense, and by the end of the match would be a bloody mess. Still, he fought with the might of a lion, even kicking out the Fallout by the champions. In a last gasp, Seven was able to knock Rowe off the apron, before tagging in Tyler Bate. Emboldened by his mentor's heroic performance, Bate drilled Hanson with a rolling wheel kick, and manged to hit the Tyler Driver '97! 1...............2..................3! We have new tag team champions!

Winners and the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions: Moustache Mountain

Io Shirai(c) vs Toni Storm- NXT Women's Championship Match

We saw early on that Toni Storm was holding nothing back tonight in her pursuit to recapture the chmapionship, and Io Shirai was somewhat outmatched. Storm wailed away on Shirai with uppercuts one after another, and Shirai only got breathing room after hitting a superkick. Shirai threw caution to the wind, going for the moonsault, but Storm was able to counter. Momentum continued to stay in the challenger's corner, and it was nearly all over for the champion after a very narrow near fall on the Storm Zero. Storm elected to just attempt to hit her finisher again, but finally Shirai got rolling. A couple kicks got Storm to the mat, and Shirai used her incredible athleticism to hit two standing moonsaults. Io then climbed to the top rope, and hit Toni with the moonsault press! 1.............2.............but Toni Storm kicked out! For the very first time, Io Shirai couldn't end a match with the top rope moonsault. As both women, absolutely spent, slowly climbed to their feet, Shirai reached into her bag of tricks, and planted Storm with a bridging german suplex, and this time, she got the three count. 

Winner and still NXT Women's Champion: Io Shirai

EC3(c) vs Tommaso Ciampa- NXT Championship Match

EC3 has beaten some of the best NXT has to offer, but Tommaso Ciampa presented a very different challenge. Ciampa was just as ruthless and just as devious as EC3, and the champion finally met his match. The Psycho Killer brought a few new wrinkles to the party tonight, including a nasty rolling cutter and the increased use of the Sicilian Stretch(Rings of Saturn). EC3 had to use all of his brute power, and did so effectively at times, hitting Ciampa with a powerbomb on the ring apron. That would allow the champion to nail the One Percenter, but Ciampa was able to save himself by getting his foot to the bottom rope. A frustrated EC3 turned his ire to the official, eventually "accidentally" taking the referee out with a clothesline. The champion introduced a chair to the proceedings, but the challenger was a step ahead. Ciampa stole the chair, and used it to smash EC3 in the back and ribs over and over again, much to the delight of the NXT fans. Finally, Ciampa locked in the Sicilian Stretch one and more time, and a battered and bruised EC3 meekly tapped out. 

Winner and the NEW NXT Champion: Tommaso Ciampa

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