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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 4) Episode 39: WrestleMania III (Part 3)

In Part 3 of WrestleMania, Aleister Black looks to take up the mantle of the Deadman as he goes one on one with The Undertaker, playa. Ember Moon and Roman Reigns each seek their own form of redemption as they get their second chance at gold, while dominant champions Asuka and Shinsuke Nakamura hope to remain at the top. And in the main event of WrestleMania, former best friends turned legendary rivals do battle one more time, as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn go to war for the WWE Championship.

Official WrestleMania Theme Song- "Legendary"- Welshly Arms

Aleister Black vs The Undertaker

Mind games would be a huge portion of this match, as both men were extremely cautious of the other. But once they got going, the brawl was on, as Black unleashed with his deadly kicks and Undertaker traded back with his rights and lefts. They would fight to a standstill, Black countering the Tombstone Piledriver but whiffing on his Black Mass. Now they both took to the skies, Undertaker hitting his legendary suicide dive. Black would look for a moonsault to the floor, but was caught by the Deadman. Tombstone Piledriver on the floor! Undertaker rolled Black back into the ring, looking to close this one out. Tombstone Piledriver, hands crossed over the chest! 1...............2................but no! Aleister Black kicked out! The Undertaker undid the straps on his gear, and gestured for the end, performing his iconic throat slit. The Phenom looked for a third Tombstone Piledriver, but Black slipped out and hit Black Mass! Both men collapsed to the mat, crowd roaring in approval. Undertaker stumbled up, woozy but calling for Black to bring it on. Aleister Black was already to his feet, measuring..........Black Mass! 1................2.................3. 

Winner: Aleister Black

Asuka(c) vs Ember Moon- SmackDown Women's Championship Match

Asuka knew just how dangerous Ember Moon can be, and was prepared, out-wrestling Moon early in the match. From there, the champion took control with her vicious submissions, wearing down one body part after another. Asuka was determined to end this match as quickly as possible, but did miss on a few big kicks. Moon had her opening, and hit a big powerslam and followed up a superkick for a near fall. Asuka, sensing danger, rolled out to the floor, but Moon was not allowing any escape, and took flight with a Tope con Hilo! Moon got Asuka back in the ring, and sized up for the Eclipse. But Asuka caught her out of mid-air, and turned it into the Asuka Lock! Time stood still, as Moon began to fade. But at the last minute, she got enough leverage to roll her weight onto Asuka's shoulders. With the champion completely unaware, the referee made the three count! Ember Moon wins the women's championship in an absolute stunner!

Winner and the NEW SmackDown Women's Champion: Ember Moon

Shinsuke Nakamura(c) vs Roman Reigns- Universal Championship Match

With one match already under their belt, neither Shinsuke Nakamura or Roman Reigns were taking things slow tonight. Both men looked for one big move after another, but neither could connect on anything significant. Reigns attempted to slow things down with a headlock, but Nakamura turned it into a triangle choke. Reigns was able to power out, and hit a Superman Punch for a near fall. Nakamura countered the Spear, and hit an inverted suplex for another near fall. Reigns countered the Kinshasa and this time got all of the Spear! 1.................2...............kick-out! No matter, Roman Reigns sized up the champion, and hit another Spear! 1....................2..................another kick-out! Reigns had had enough of Nakamura, and went into full mount, looking to beat the King of Strong Style into submission. Reigns backed up to the corner again, calling for the end of the match as New Orleans booed. But as the Big Dog was on the verge of finally getting the win.......................Dean Ambrose's music hit! THE LUNATIC IS HERE! Ambrose and Reigns stared each other down, and Nakamura seized his opening, smashing Reigns in the back of the head with a Kinshasa. One more from the ground, and the King still rules Monday Nights! 

Winner and still Universal Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura

Official WWE Championship Match Theme Song- "Judas"- Fozzy

Kevin Owens(c) vs Sami Zayn- No Holds Barred for the WWE Championship

As you could expect, there was absolutely no feeling out process to be had here, as both men began brawling the second the bell rang. A fired up Sami Zayn got the early advantage, and introduced a chair into proceedings, walloping Kevin Owens in the back and ribs with the steel. But Owens is extremely tough, and survived long enough to send Zayn crumpling to the mat with a low blow. The WWE Champion grabbed a kendo stick, and soon Zayn's chest and back were covered with welts. Owens set up a table on the outside, but Zayn wasn't staying down, sacrificing his own body to send himself and Owens crashing through the table with a crossbody! Zayn did managed to get Owens back into the ring, and went for a Helluva Kick, but was countered. Owens sent Zayn off the ropes for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Zayn countered with a hurricanrana. Both men rose to their feet, engaging in an intense staredown. But then Owens flipped Zayn off, and hit a Stone Cold Stunner! 1..............2............but Sami Zayn kicked out! With a burst of agility, Zayn leaped to his feet, and nailed Owens with a superkick! Then Zayn hit Owens with a Package Piledriver! 1..................2............but Kevin Owens kicked out! Zayn lifted Owens to the top rope, looking for a devastating brainbuster, but Owens countered with a headbutt and hit a Frog Splash! For a second time, Kevin Owens wanted the Pop-Up Powerbomb. But with one last burst of energy, Sami Zayn managed to deliver a DDT out of mid-air! A dazed Owens stumbled to the corner, and Zayn measured, rallying the crowd for support. Zayn then grabbed the steel chair, and hit the Helluva Kick on Owens with the chair in front of his boot! 1..................2................3! 

Sami Zayn has done it! Sami Zayn is finally WWE Champion! Confetti flew, fireworks lit up the New Orleans sky and Zayn sobbed tears of joy, new championship in his arms to close WrestleMania. 

Winner and the NEW WWE Champion: Sami Zayn

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