Today is a big day for my blog. I accept a blog award and begin a countdown to a very special number. But first, I have to begin with the bad news.
Obituary of a Crab
Anyone who followed my blog in the beginning may remember my early posts about my two hermit crabs. Goyle, one of the hermit crabs, passed away a couple of years ago. And then, last week, Crabbe, my other hermit crab, passed away as well. Crabbe was someone who was very close to me. In his later years, I didn't do much of his care taking, but I still could rest easy at night that I had a little crab in the room with me. He died after going through a tough molting. I guess it was his time.
My dad buried him in a large shell he always wanted to get into. I suppose he finally made it. On what is an overall happy day, I had to stop and mourn a crab that helped me to get where I am today. He taught me a lot. He taught about the simple joys of having a life well-lived. He may not have lived 15 years, but he still got his share of life. He taught me care taking skills that I couldn't of developed without him. Mostly, he taught me how one little crab can be the beginning of something big.