In which we witnessed Roman Reigns dying amidst rapturous applause, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton fighting in a f***ing house, Bayley's hometown return and some really great wrestling. So yeah, it was a packed 3 hours. Also, I've been doing these reviews for a long time man. My first official recap was Night of Champions 2015, and I've covered a lot of shows since then. So for any event I'm covering that I've reviewed in the past, I'll now include the previous score, to compare. Let's get to it. Payback 2016 Score: 7/10 - If there's one thing I've learned as a fan over the past few years, it's never to let other wrestling fan's pre-judgment of an event cloud my own perception. I've learned to ignore a lot of opinions, and I was pleased to see this show deliver as well as it did. - Count me as shocked with Chris Jericho regaining the United States Championship, but I totally didn't mind. I kind of feel he should have re...