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Henry's Universe Mode #123: Raw

With Fastlane just six days away, Raw has been busy, signing three big matches for the event. After delivering a F-5 last week to close the show, Brock Lesnar will face Mark Henry this Sunday. Will the Hall of Pain pay a visit to Suplex City? Sasha Banks earned her title shot last week, but has chosen to wait for the grand stage of WrestleMania to challenge for the belt. Asuka, who defeated the champion last week, has been granted a title match at Fastlane. Finally, after defeating the champs in their debut match, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa will face Itami and Balor for the tag titles this Sunday.

On this edition of Raw, Samoa Joe and Goldberg will attempt to do what AJ Styles and Shawn Michaels did on SmackDown, as they meet Itami and Balor in the main event.

Universe Mode
Monday Night Raw
February 27th, 2017
Location: Rosemont, IL

The New Day vs #DIY

The challengers looked to pick up more momentum as they faced Big E and Kofi Kingston of The New Day. Gargano and Ciampa showed how good they are, showcasing some brilliant offense. Very quickly, Kofi nearly had his knocked off with a superkick/knee smash combo, and that was all she wrote. However, on the replay, it was noted that Kingston got his foot to the bottom rope well before the three count. The official never saw it, and Gargano and Ciampa pick up another win, albeit under dubious circumstances.

Winners: #DIY

US Title Open Challenge Next Week

We have not seen Chris Jericho since he defended his US Title against Sami Zayn at Elimination Chamber, but he will be defending the belt in an open challenge next week.

Kevin Owens vs Jack Swagger

Kevin Owens made a big statement when he took out Roman Reigns last week, declaring afterwards that Raw will forever be the "Kevin Owens Show" and if Reigns doesn't like it, he knows where to find him. KO made quick work of the All-American American, defeating Swagger in under a minute.

After the match, the Big Dog looked to get some payback as he rushed the ring. Unfortunately, Owens was ready for it, and took the boots to Roman. He delivered a second Pop-Up Powerbomb, leaving Reigns staring at the lights.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Bayley vs Summer Rae

The Raw Women's Champion was not at 100 percent after last week, and Summer Rae took advantage in this non-title match. Summer dominated Bayley, and seemed to be coasting to a big win when she connected with a Summer Crush. The Hugster powered out at two, and rallied with the support of the crowd. She caught Summer with a Bayley-to-Belly to earn a hard-fought win.

There would be no celebration for the champ, as Asuka made her way to the ring. The two women stared down, but there would be no physicality on this night. The Empress of Tomorrow glanced at the title, before departing up the ramp.

Winner: Bayley

Big Cass vs Dean Ambrose

Big Cass looked to make the Lunatic Fringe pay for his assault on Enzo Amore last week, but Ambrose was one step ahead. He jumped Cass during his entrance, beating the hell out of him with a kendo stick. He got the big man into the ring to officially start the match, before knocking Cass out cold with a Knee Trembler. Reluctantly, the official counted the three.

That was not enough for Ambrose, though, as he grabbed a steel chair from under the ring. He put the chair right over Cass' ribs, before delivering an elbow drop off the top rope onto the chair. Dean Ambrose is a dangerous man, and he may have put another name on the injury list.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

No Unity on Raw

We were supposed to see our big tag team main event up next, but instead we cut backstage, where Samoa Joe was beating the hell out of his supposed partner, Goldberg. Joe obviously did not care about the main event, and was determined to make a statement after last week's embarrassing loss. Officials managed to separate both men before serious damage was done, but any team involving these two has to be out the window.

Goldberg vs Hideo Itami and Finn Balor

The World Heavyweight Champion was not about to give up, and wanted to still compete. Thus, the main event was changed to a handicap match, a development Itami and Balor were not in favor of. The tag champs are respectful competitors who didn't want this kind of an advantage, but soon found themselves in a fight. Goldberg wasted no time, tossing both men around off the start. Itami and Balor threw everything in their arsenal at Goldberg, including Itami's Busaiku Knee and Balor's Coup de Grace, but nothing could keep him down. Goldberg, somehow, rallied, catching Hideo with a Spear and Finn with a Jackhammer. It could've been over then and there, but Itami pulled the ref out of the ring before the three count. Finally, he and Balor took advantage of the numbers advantage, and put Goldberg away with an assisted double foot stomp. It was one hell of an effort, but the World Heavyweight Champion came up just short.

Winners: Hideo Itami and Finn Balor

What does this mean for Fastlane's main event? If Samoa Joe and Goldberg refuse to team up, then who will face AJ Styles and Shawn Michaels? We hope to get an answer tomorrow on SmackDown.

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my brand new Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.


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