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The Revolution: Episode 4(Blackout)

The first round of the NXT Championship Tournament concludes tonight, as four men battle for the final two spots in the quarter-finals. Up first, the self-professed "King of the Cruiserweights" Neville goes head to head with the vain "Perfect Ten" Tye Dillinger. And in our main event, "The Knockout Artist" Kassius Ohno attempts to shut down tournament favorite Seth Rollins.

Tye Dillinger vs Neville- NXT Championship Tournament First Round Match

An early superkick scored a near fall for Neville, who was in control for the first few minutes. It would take a while for Tye to get into the match, but when he did, he was very impressive, getting quite a few close near falls. The Perfect Ten facebreaker earned Dillinger another near fall, as Neville seemed to perhaps be on the ropes. He signaled for the Tye Breaker, but was countered into a crucifix hold which was followed up with another devastating superkick. A dazed Tye stumbled backwards right into the inverted frankensteiner, and Neville ascended the ropes, thinking Red Arrow. Dillinger still had something left, somehow managing to get back to his feet, although still very unsteady. An annoyed Neville delivered a nasty saito suplex, dropping Tye right on his neck. There was no recovering this time....

Winner: Neville
Finish: Red Arrow

Seth Rollins vs Kassius Ohno- NXT Championship Tournament First Round Match

This was an intriguing match of power against athleticism, and Kassius Ohno was not backing down. He knew that the NXT crowd and the oddsmakers were behind Seth Rollins, but it didn't seem to faze him at all. He tossed Rollins around the ring, and when Seth attempted to catch a breather on the outside, Ohno followed him out. Seth just couldn't escape the incredible power of Ohno, and although he tried to evade as much as he could, he couldn't avoid the big strikes forever. After a missed frog splash, he was caught into an electric chair, and then dropped with an rolling elbow to the back of the head! It was an insane move, but somehow, Rollins just managed to kick out before three. The Full Sail crowd was on fire, willing both men on. Seth got a second wind, connecting on a series of dropkicks, before delivering an earth-shattering superkick to Ohno's jaw. Up to the top, frog splash! One....two....but Ohno kicked out before three. Not to be deterred, Seth grabbed hold of Ohno's head, and spiked him with a God's Last Gift! One......two......another near fall. Ohno stumbled backward into the corner, and Seth charged, slamming shoulder first into the top turnbuckle. Kassius measured for a discus big boot, but whiffed. Skywalker!! Everyone lost their minds, including Seth, at Ohno's ridiculous resilience. Rollins just watched on in amazement as Kassius slowly got to his feet. The two men went face to face, both exhausted for their incredible war. Out of nowhere, Ohno slapped Seth across the jaw! It was clear he wanted "The Architect of the Future" to finish the job. Kick to the midsection....

Winner: Seth Rollins
Finish: Blackout

Show of Respect

As Seth's music played to end the first round of the NXT Championship Tournament, the camera stayed on the ring, as Rollins and Ohno slowly recovered. After regaining their footing, they engaged in yet another staredown. It was a tense moment, broken when Rollins offered his hand to the man he just beat. Ohno declined the handshake, instead pulling Rollins in for a hug. The two men embraced, then celebrated as the Full Sail crowd applauded as the show went off the air.


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