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The Revolution: Episode 7(Taking Flight)

This promises to be a top class episode of The Revolution, as we have two incredible matches scheduled to close out the quarter-finals. Up first, Hideo Itami looks to bring his vicious strikes to an uphill battle against Samoa Joe. In our main event, two of the most exciting wrestlers in the world look to dazzle the Full Sail crowd, as Seth Rollins faces Neville.

Hideo Itami vs Samoa Joe- NXT Championship Tournament Quarter-Finals Match

From the start, you could tell that Samoa Joe was on a different level to Hideo Itami. Joe asserted his dominance with forearms and kicks, tossing Hideo around the ring with a few powerbombs as well. What was Hideo going to have to do to keep in it? He tried to roll out of the ring, to escape the punishment and re-group, Joe followed him out with a perfect suicide plancha. On the outside of the ring, Itami finally got his opening, knocking Joe silly with a spinning roundhouse kick. This was his chance, and the "Japanese Sensation" took advantage. He got Joe back into the ring and unleashed his offense, drawing bruises on Joe's face and chest with some nasty forearms and chops before taking him down with a hurricanrana. The shotgun dropkick in the corner followed, but when it came time for the GTS, he just couldn't lift "The Destroyer". Now Joe had the opening, and he took it as well, scoring several near falls with the CCS enziguri and an exploder into the turnbuckles. Joe thought the match was over, and began arguing with the official, who was taken down following an accidental collision by Hideo. Now came the most controversial part of this match. Samoa Joe exited the ring, grabbing a steel chair, looking to use an equalizer to advance. Hideo knocked the chair from his hands, kicking it clear of the ring, but while he was doing this, the Coquina Clutch was locked in! The official was back up....

Winner: Samoa Joe
Finish: Coquina Clutch

Neville vs Seth Rollins- NXT Championship Tournament Quarter-Finals Match

We've seen quite a few one-sided matches during this tournament, but for the final match of the quarter-finals, Neville and Seth Rollins had one hell of a competitive, back and forth match. There were big moves galore in this match, far too many to count. Seth took to the skies early with a suicide dive, but Neville slowed the pace down, working the arm and shoulder with stiff strikes. This would be to set up the Rings of Saturn submission, but even though the hold would be locked in twice, it just wasn't proving to be very effective for Neville. It didn't keep Seth down for long either, as he was quickly going back up top and connecting with a frog splash for a near fall. A middle rope Blockbuster didn't get the job done either, but Rollins was just getting started. Neville was sent out to the apron, and brought back in with the deadlift falcon arrow! It was the perfect set-up for the Blackout, but the move that put Kassius Ohno away wasn't enough, with Neville kicking out at two. The two exchanged in a brief strike battle, which Neville got the better of, turning things into an inverted frankensteiner. Up to the top, Red Arrow! One.....two.....another kick-out! Finishers just weren't proving very effective here, as the best shot from both men weren't enough to score the win. Once again, Neville would slow things down, now working the knee of Seth, trying to keep him down. Rollins was able to get enough separation for a jaw-rattling superkick! Buckle bomb in the corner! Kick to the midsection, and for the second time, the Blackout connected! One....two.....still not enough! Full Sail exploded, as Seth Rollins just stared on with a blank expression. He looked down at Neville, who was now busted open and still down. Did Seth have something else to finally put the match away? He climbed to the top rope....

Winner: Seth Rollins
Finish: Phoenix Splash


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