Handling the penultimate episode of a season can be tricky. On one hand, you have a show like BoJack Horseman, where the second to last episode is often soul-crushing and sometimes the true climax of the entire season. On the other hand, you have............this. This week, Cloak & Dagger gives us an exercise in how not to do a penultimate episode. After a few weeks of good work, it all come crashing back down to earth, in an episode that falls into the age old trap of "telling, not showing". Let's talk about the framing device for "Back Breaker", in which Delgado, the priest who apparently teaches as well, takes his class through a prototypical hero's journey. In a lot of ways, this is the show directly talking to the audience, explaining each action and every story beat of the episode. I don't think I've ever hated any framing device as much as I hated this. Any good TV show has nuance, the ability to trust the audience to decipher its m...