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Showing posts from March, 2020

Henry's Pay-Per-View Reviews: ECW Heatwave 1998

As the world collectively loses it's mind over the coronavirus(this could be a fun intro to look back on in the future), the only sanity that can be found is in the ring. Let's take a look today at what is often considered ECW's finest outing, Heatwave '98. - Jokes aside, everyone should stay safe out there. I know it's easy to panic about these mass outbreaks, and I've certainly felt very nervous about everything I've heard and read over the past week. But I think we all need some fun in our lives right now, and this show is the epitome of distraction. - The opening contest is one of the highlights of the night, as Jerry Lynn takes on Justin Credible. Credible has an entire entourage in his corner, including Chastity, Jason and Nicole Bass, and their involvement in this match at times bordered on excessive. But the match begins to hit it's peak when Lynn puts Credible through a table with a hurricanrana, and it's all fantastic from...

Henry's Pay-Per-View Reviews: ECW Barely Legal

Well, I've covered WWF and WCW now on this blog, so it only seems right to take a trip to the Extreme and see what Paul E. Dangerously has to offer. I've read and watched plenty of takes on this show, but before today, I've never actually watched ECW's first foray into pay-per-view. I'm excited, let's do this. - I will say, the production value on this show is certainly a step down from everything else I've watched so far, which makes sense when you consider ECW's paper thin budget. The start of the show features a barely audible Joey Styles, and in general, there are a lot of problems with sound mixing, as quite a few promos are just completely overwhelmed by music. It's not enough for me to ding any points off the final grade, and does add to the promotion's grimy aesthetic, though it makes the viewing experience a bit more difficult than it should be. - The opening contest features my main squeeze, Perry Saturn, as he teams ...

Henry's Pay-Per-View Reviews: WCW Spring Stampede 1999

We conclude WCW Week by jumping three years further into the timeline, to April 11th, 1999, just under two months after I was born. By this point in history, the company is in freefall, with the end of Goldberg's streak, the infamous Fingerpoke of Doom, Mick Foley's WWF title win and various creative mishaps leading to Vince McMahon taking complete control in the Monday Night War. And despite many attempted reboots and overhauls, both on and off screen, WCW would never legitimately challenge the WWF again, as the war became a decimation. In spite of being apart of this awful period in the company's history, Spring Stampede '99 is considered to be a high point for WCW, probably the last truly great show in WCW's catalog. Let's take a look at what the company had to offer on this night. - We've got another cruiserweight opener here, as Juventud Guerrera takes on the recently debuted Blitzkrieg. I'll admit to knowing almost nothing about Blit...

Henry's Pay-Per-View Reviews: WCW Bash at the Beach 1996

It's a big one today, folks, as I review one of the most momentous nights in wrestling history, one who's impact is still felt today and one that will be immortalized for the rest of time itself. But this show is more than just one match, and for as big as the main event is, there's still eight other matches on the card. Let's see what WCW has to offer on perhaps the biggest night in company history. - Straight away, one big part of this show is just how often the commentary team of Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes discuss the main event. They talk about it before, after and during every match, Gene Okerlund brings it up multiple times backstage, even unassociated wrestlers bring it up in promos. I'm in two minds about all this promotion; on one hand, it does make the final match feel truly special, the most important match in the history of the company, bar none. On the other hand, it gets extremely grating very quickly, especially dur...

Henry's Pay-Per-View Reviews: WCW The Great American Bash 1989

First off, I do want to apologize for not uploading anything following my last review on February 19th, completely missing my promised "WCW Week". If you follow me on Twitter, I mentioned about three weeks ago that my grandfather was in the hospital in serious condition, and my desire to work on this blog was pretty minimal. Unfortunately, this year just hasn't been kind to my family and I, as my grandfather passed away early last Friday. I considered taking more time off to mourn, but during the past couple days, I've felt like I needed something to help keep pushing forward. So I'm back here today, and beginning WCW Week by traveling back in time to July 23rd, 1989. I'll admit to some trepidation in covering this show, as it seems to be considered perhaps the greatest in company history from what I've heard. Given I don't generally watch tons of older wrestling, I was nervous I might not be able to properly review a show so far before my time. But...