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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 6) NXT Takeover: Rival

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Welcome back to Henry's Universe Mode, where today, we witness the first NXT Takeover event of Season 6. In the main event, heated rivals collide, as Rhea Ripley defends the NXT Women's title against Bianca Belair in a Last Woman Standing match. Plus, two of the greatest black athletes in the world today square off for the men's gold, as Keith Lee defends against Apollo Crews, and Damian Priest makes his Takeover debut as he looks to bring NXT General Manager Triple H back down to Earth. Over four years ago, NXT hosted it's first pay-per-view in Henry's Universe Mode, Arrival. Plenty has changed since that day, but what hasn't is that NXT still represents the future of wrestling. 

Universe Mode
NXT Takeover: Rival
June 28th, 2020
Location: Nashville, TN

Tyler Bate vs WALTER

This was a mismatch of epic proportions, as WALTER had the clear size, power, and striking advantage, but Tyler Bate didn't care about any of that. Bate was out to prove what he was capable of, and wasn't going to be taken out easily. Bate survived some of the best WALTER could throw, sustaining more and more damage as WALTER exhausted his dangerous arsenal, but nothing could keep Tyler down. The "Big Strong Boi" by kicking out of a middle rope splash from WALTER, and then brought the NXT faithful to their feet after countering a kick and power-bombing WALTER! That incredible feat of strength had Bate believing that the impossible would happen, and Tyler continued the onslaught, landing his rolling wheel kick. One more move would finish this, but unfortunately, Bate had exhausted all of his reserve, and couldn't get WALTER up for the Tyler Driver '97. WALTER ended it, nearly caving in Bate's chest with a tremendous chop, before getting the three count with his powerbomb. 

Winner: WALTER

Mercedes Martinez vs Mia Yim

Mercedes Martinez was furious after being dropped by Mia Yim a few weeks prior, and the "Latina Sensation" was out for blood in this one. For her part, Yim was certainly not going to back down from a scrap, after a lifetime spent fighting for relevance, and these two women just beat the heck out of each other. Forearms and kicks were traded left and right, neither woman trying too hard to actually win this match. The fight spilled to the floor, where Yim looked to leave Mercedes laying again, attempting Eat Defeat. But before the move could be completed, Martinez fought her way free, then laid out Yim with a nasty Fisherman Buster on the floor! Mia was out cold, sustaining a vicious blow to the back of her head, and Martinez re-entered the ring to secure a count-out victory as the fans booed. 

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

Drew Gulak vs KUSHIDA

On the flip side of the previous contest, this was a technical showcase, as both of these men went hold for hold, counter for counter, in a gripping match that was one of the best on the night. Both Gulak and KUSHIDA came close to victory, each on the verge of applying their signature hold, but Gulak was able to escape the Hoverboard Lock and KUSHIDA flipped out of the Dragon Sleeper. In the end, it was KUSHIDA's aerial prowess that put him over the edge. Gulak attempted to put the match away with a superplex, but KUSHIDA countered that into a sunset flip powerbomb, dazing Drew. KUSHIDA then sprung off the top rope to deliver a sickening dropkick, right to Gulak's left arm that had previously been trapped in the Hoverboard Lock. Quick as a whippet, KUSHIDA then got the Hoverboard Lock applied again, and though Gulak almost managed to scramble his way to the bottom rope, KUSHIDA kept the hold wrenched in, and Gulak was finally forced to tap. 


Buddy Murphy(c) vs Isaiah "Swerve" Scott- NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Much to the champion's surprise, Buddy Murphy was on the back foot almost immediately, as Isaiah Scott was in incredible form, one step ahead of everything Murphy attempted. Buddy was really struggling to land most of his shots, and Scott dominated with relative ease. It seemed like we were on the fast track to crowning a new champion, as Scott showed no signs of slowing down, but Murphy had a few tricks up his sleeve. The champion avoided the Swerve Stomp, and countered the JML Driver into a German Suplex, giving Murphy a chance to finally connect, rattling Scott's jaw with a knee. Murphy pulled off a turnbuckle pad, seemingly intent on driving Scott's head into it for extra damage, but the referee put a stop to that, standing in the way of the exposed steel. As the official retrieved the pad, Murphy unveiled his true intentions, nailing Scott with a low blow. With a smug grin on his face, Murphy drove his challenger into the canvas with Murphy's Law, retaining his gold. 

Winner and still NXT Cruiserweight Champion: Buddy Murphy

Damian Priest vs Triple H

Triple H may have claimed that he was ready to face the consequences of his actions, but the NXT General Manager was certainly not willing to play fair. As Damian Priest made his entrance, Triple H looked to make sure this would go his way, jumping Priest from behind with a clothesline. Unfortunately for "The Game", that attack did little to faze Priest, as "The Archer of Infamy" quickly took control with a flying back heel kick. From there, Priest dominated, tossing Triple H around the ring with ease and bludgeoning Hunter with knees to the midsection and more kicks to the head. Triple H did have some resilience in him, surviving the onslaught for a little while, but after a Pedigree wasn't enough to keep Priest down, Triple H knew he needed some extra help. Hunter fetched his trusty sledgehammer, but the referee was having none of it, taking the dreaded weapon away from his own boss. Apoplectic with rage, Triple H considered firing the official on the spot, but before he could do so, Priest intervened. Triple H was nearly flattened by Priest's South of Heaven chokebomb, and Damian then put this one away with The Reckoning (Cross Rhodes). 

Winner: Damian Priest

Keith Lee(c) vs Apollo Crews- NXT Championship Match

Keith Lee and Apollo Crews might be the most evenly-matched competitors we've seen face off on this night, and it showed in a highly competitive clash for one of the most prestigious belts in the WWE on the line. Lee and Crews were determined to bring everything they had to the table in this one, and wowed the crowd in attendance. Apollo was the better off for most of this match, using his agility to stay out of Lee's reach and avoid a majority of the champion's most powerful offense. It seemed like the champion was beginning to wear down after Lee failed to lift Crews up for a powerbomb, but "The Limitless One" found another level within himself. Lee managed to connect with an awe-inspiring moonsault, and now was on the forward foot, almost putting Crews away with the Big Bang Catastrophe. Apollo would have to dig down deep to keep any hope of a second run with the NXT title alive, and the challenger did have enough fire left in him to attempt a brief comeback. But Lee twice avoided the Crews Control sit-out powerbomb, and just about kicked out after getting his jaw rattled by a step-up enziguri, the most tense near fall of the contest. A second Big Bang Catastrophe laid Crews out for a three count, as Keith Lee's reign continued. 

Winner and still NXT Champion: Keith Lee

Rhea Ripley(c) vs Bianca Belair- Last Woman Standing Match for the NXT Women's Championship

Bianca Belair was desperate to become NXT Women's Champion, and demonstrated early on that she had a clear gameplan. Belair avoided going straight up with Ripley, getting chased around the ring and to the outside, spending the first few minutes of the match just running away. Ripley, eager to dish out some punishment, did have to expend a lot of energy in pursuit but made up for it when she finally got her hands on Belair. The opportunity to get some licks in finally came for Ripley after she took a chance and scored with a suicide dive, crashing into Belair. The fans roared in approval of this, and Ripley quickly went to work dismantling her challenger, slamming Belair into the barricade before the "EST of NXT" took a wicked powerbomb on the floor. Belair was almost counted out right then and there, but just about managed to find her feet, using the ring itself as a crutch. Belair was clearly hurting badly, but it was only at this point that her plan was finally realized. Ripley was already tiring by this point, and Belair was still relatively fresh, plus Bianca had now acquired a kendo stick to turn the tides. Belair unleashed everything she had left, laying into Ripley with one kendo stick shot after another, opening multiple ugly red welts on the champion's body. Rhea was now the one trying to escape, fleeing from the beating by rolling back into the ring, but Belair was just getting started, charging in to drop Ripley with a Spear. The challenger then connected with a 450 Splash, but that wasn't going to end it, as a winded Ripley still had enough left to stumble back up to her feet. Belair gritted her teeth, and went right back to work, blasting the valiant Ripley with a big boot. Bianca fetched a whole pile of chairs, then lifted Ripley up into the air and brought the champion crashing into the mess of steel with a Kiss of Death! But still, Rhea Ripley would not stay down. Ripley was back to her feet, again before the tenth count, and Belair was furious. The challenger grabbed one of the many chairs, and battered the champion with vicious chair shots, one to the ribs and two more to the back. Ripley was laid out again, but this time, Belair wasn't going to give her the opportunity to stand back up. Belair shoved a chair under Ripley's prone body, and fetched another. The official knew what Belair had in mind, and desperately pleaded with her to stop, but to no avail. Con-chair-to! Ripley was motionless, and there would be no answering of the ten count this time. Bianca Belair has finally reached the summit of the mountain, but she had to commit an absolute atrocity to get there. 

Winner and the NEW NXT Women's Champion: Bianca Belair

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.  


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