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Henry's Top Ten Wrestlers Of All Time

A few months ago, I posted my list of my favorite wrestlers since I began watching professional wrestling in 2010. Today, I expand my horizons to bring you my list of the top ten greatest wrestlers of all time. Although there is some personal bias, this should be a list that most people agree with, although they might order it differently. Understand that I'm taking into account a sh** load of wrestlers here, so a good majority of people will disagree with me. Though like I said, this list should hit the majority. Here it is:

10. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

We kick things off with a throwback, Hot Rod himself, Roddy Piper. Piper was and forever will be one of the greatest promos in the biz, possessing a true talent for connecting with an audience. The only reason Piper wasn't higher on this list was because he never reached the heights the some others on this have, whether that was on Piper himself or the creative team. Despite that, Roddy Piper is a legend of the sport, and his passing last year was a true tragedy. May he rest in peace.

9. Dusty Rhodes

The other legend who passed away last year is up next, as number 9 on my list is the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. Dusty is quite possibly the greatest babyface in wrestling history. Going back to watch his work, I'm simply astounded by how over he is with the crowd, and it is a true testament to his ability to strike a chord with the common man. Much like Mick Foley, Dusty did not have the normal build of most wrestlers. Despite that, Dusty carved out his own niche and, throughout his career, was always one of the top names on the card. The son of a plumber himself, I tip my cap to Dusty Rhodes.

8. Ricky Steamboat

A personal favorite of mine, Ricky Steamboat is next on my list. High flyers have become a much bigger part of wrestling in modern times, but Steamboat was one of the first. His match with Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 3 is one of the greatest matches of all time, an instant classic in every sense. His innovative offense and awesome ring attire made him of the most compelling wrestlers during the WWF's boom period in the late-80s, but a true testament to his skill was his ability to stay relevant and interesting well into the 90s. Although he was almost never the main attraction, his matches were often the best of the night. Ricky Steamboat comes in at number 8 on my list.

7. Chris Jericho

The only man to have made both of my lists and the only real "modern" wrestler on this list, Chris Jericho makes his return. Since Jericho was on the previous list, I won't elaborate too much. Jericho is one of the greatest performers ever, and has had so many amazing matches with so many wrestlers over the years. Had Jericho been booked better in his first run in the WWE, I have full confidence that he would be regarded as on the greatest ever. Despite that, Chris Jericho is still worthy of being in the top ten of greatest wrestlers of all time.

6. Randy Savage

If you wanted to talk about great promos, the list begins and ends with the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Savage had a truly unique promo style, but his skill on the mic was his ability to make each one different and interesting. When it comes to in ring work, Savage was one of the best. The aforementioned match with Steamboat, his great work with Hulk Hogan and many others. His combination of high-flying ability, technical grappling, and ability to connect with the fans both inside and outside of the ring make him one of the greatest of all time. His untimely death in 2011 left a black mark on professional wrestling, and his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame earlier this year was well deserved for a lifetime of greatness. And come on, who can't love someone who comes out to Pomp and Circumstance?

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin 

The beer chuggin' Texan Stone Cold Steve Austin begins the top five of my list. There was no bigger face in the WWF in the late 90s than Stone Cold, and his feud with Mr. McMahon is one of the greatest of all time. He's provided countless fans with so many memories over the years, and he still manages to be relevant today, despite having retired over a decade ago. His biggest contribution to wrestling was his work in the Attitude Era, but his career is much bigger than just that time period. His matches in WCW with the likes of the aforementioned Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage were simply outstanding, and his firing by Eric Bischoff is one of the most questionably moves in wrestling history. His shoot promos in ECW are the stuff of legend, and then of course there was his work in the WWF as Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is one of the biggest draws in wrestling history, second only to Hulk Hogan. His popularity during the Attitude Era was unprecedented, and he will go down as one of the biggest legends the business has ever seen.

4. The Rock

I debated between The Rock and Stone Cold for this spot, but I decided to go with my own choice, putting The Rock at number 4. It's hard not to compare The Rock and Stone Cold, but Dwayne Johnson has had quite the career. If Austin and Hogan are the two biggest draws in wrestling history, than The Rock comes in at a solid number 3. What he lacked in technical wrestling ability, he more than made up for in speaking ability. His eloquent promos are unmatched in the business, and I truly believe that he is the best in wrestling history with his ability to connect with a crowd. A true sense of his popularity is the success of his acting career, and he is unquestionably the best wrestler in Hollywood. As successful outside of the ring as inside of it, The Rock is one of the biggest legends in wrestling. His popularity transcends generations, and his many catchphrases will live forever in wrestling lore.

3. Hulk Hogan

Like him or not, Hulk Hogan is the biggest draw in wrestling history, hands down. His career has largely been vilified by the internet, thanks to his backstage politicking and seeming lack of wrestling talent. Thanks to his racist tirade released last year, Hogan will likely never be mentioned by the WWE again. Despite that, Hogan remains the greatest babyface in wrestling history. His popularity in the 80s will never be surpassed, but what makes him one of the greatest ever is his heel turn in 1996. To take one of the most popular figures in wrestling history, and make him into the most hated villain in the business takes real skill. The formation of the nWo is an iconic moment in wrestling history, and truly made him the legend that he is. Now, if only there was a time machine to save him from himself...

2. Ric Flair

I have to admit, I debated for a long time over the top two spots, and eventually, Flair was narrowly passed over. The Nature Boy is an iconic figure, and Ric Flair will go down in history as one of the best ever. His longevity is outstanding, maintaining a career that has spanned over 40 years. In his early years, he was one of the best acts on the card, taking the wrestling world by storm. It was the formation of the Four Horsemen in 1985 that sent his career into the stratosphere, and made him into the legend that he is today. His moves, his attire and his promos are all iconic, and his skill kept him at the top of the card for decades. But there is more to Ric Flair than even that. I feel that, for any young wrestler coming into the business, Flair is the benchmark for a great heel. When you watch his matches, it's astounding to see just how well he can sell the action to the crowd. His status is legendary, his impact on the business is unprecedented. Ric Flair will live forever in the mind of every fan that ever watched him wrestle until the end of time.

There is one spot left on my list, and I've given it to the greatest wrestler I've ever seen. Ladies and gentlemen, my greatest wrestler of all time......the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

1. Shawn Michaels

Yep. Shawn Michaels is my greatest wrestler of all time. In my mind, it is unquestionable that Shawn Michaels is the greatest wrestler that ever lived. From his time in the Rockers with Marty Jennetty, to his partnership with Diesel, to the "Boyhood Dream", the formation of D-X, his return in 2002, his battles with his good friend Triple H, The Undertaker, John Cena and many more, Shawn Michaels has electrified audiences for many, many years. His use of backstage politicking and his drug problems have put on a blight on Michaels' excellent career, but they aren't enough to change my opinion of him. Michaels was a once in a generation talent, the greatest performer I have ever watched. Michaels has stood toe to toe with the best wrestling has to offer, and has beaten them all. When it comes down to it, Shawn Michaels was the greatest wrestler of all time, and although his impact is vastly downgraded now days, I still stand true to my choice. Let's hear it for the Showstopper, the Heartbreak Kid, Mr. Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels!

The Also-Rans

This list only consisted of ten wrestlers, so of course there were plenty of good names left out. Below is a list of the guys who were close, but just not quite there.

Mick Foley

I considered Mick for this list, but I just don't feel he was good enough. Certainly, if I was making a list of the greatest babyfaces in wrestling history, he would be on it, but this is not that list.

Triple H and John Cena

These two come as a pair, two modern wrestlers who the internet despises. Both are very talented in their own right, but just lack the star power that those on this list possessed.

Bret Hart and The Undertaker

These two also come in a pair, not because they have anything in common, but because they are the biggest names not on this list. Feel free to disagree, but I just never felt the legendary status with either of these guys. While they are talented, both are unlikely to make any list of mine.

Kevin Nash and Vader

My list did not have any true big men on it, and these are the best two, in my opinion. Once again, just didn't feel enough star power to include either of these giants.

Hope you enjoyed!



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