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South Park "Holiday Special" Review

Hey, it's the second Randy-centric episode of the season. South Park's resident maniac(I guess?) was in fine form in this one, resulting in a strong, enjoyable episode.

It's amazing what this show can still do when it focus its episodes around its characters rather than the latest headline news. So much of what has been missing from South Park for the past few seasons is plain fun and actual comedy, and it was refreshing to see some of that return in "Holiday Special". This wasn't a perfect episode by any means, and I hate that this show is still more focused on politics and race then almost anything else, but I can't blame them. In a way, this episode showed just how easy it is to lean into standard behavior, from those that look for ways to play the victim card and latch onto any cause at a moment's notice. This episode was really all it needed to be: a fun, fast paced affair with little filler, and all content completely devoted to one, central storyline.

That main story this week was centered around Randy, as mentioned, doing what he does best: causing enjoyable chaos. In this case, he goes after the legacy of Christopher Columbus, including getting Columbus Day cancelled, and tearing down/defecating on statues. But the highlights here are less the story and more on Randy's antics, as he does everything possible to spread his message. This includes calling up residents in Columbus, Ohio, purely to call them racist, making out with a poor, confused Native American man and covering up his own history. In a predictable but still hilarious twist, it turns out that Randy is obsessed with Columbus, to the point that he even dressed up as the man for his wedding. For the most part, this episode just plays the hits, not really developing the story but rather just let it spiral into chaos. I can't disagree with that decision, but some parts of this plot do get a little old; Randy's constant confusion of the word "indigenous" with the word "indignant" wears out its welcome early on. Still, I can't bring myself to hate any part of this, as I was laughing throughout. Randy's closing "what I learned today" speech was an excellent capper as well. 

While Randy loses his mind, the boys get in on the fun, as all four are united for what feels like the first time in years. After learning that Columbus Day has been cancelled by Randy, meaning they lose a day off school, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman try everything to get their time off back. Again, story progression isn't the point here at all, and its clearly better for it. Any story that calls for Kenny to make dramatic and threatening phone calls to a member of school staff is a winner for me.


While I would like see South Park focus more on its characters, I do understand that the show is the way it is for a reason. This show has long existed to call certain parts of society out, and it has done pretty well at that. These past two episodes have been everything I want South Park to be, at least in terms of comedy, so I can't be too unhappy.


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