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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 4) Episode 19: NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II

Last year in Brooklyn, NXT hosted an incredible night of action, punctuated by the NXT Championship win by Aleister Black. While Black would never defend the championship, that night would set him on a path to winning the 2018 Royal Rumble and defeating Braun Strowman in the main event of WrestleMania.

Tonight in Brooklyn, Apollo Crews puts the NXT Championship on the line against newcomer EC3. Could one of these men be on the same career path as Aleister Black? Plus, faction warfare between SAnitY and the Undisputed Era and three more title matches, including the Mae Young Classic Finals rematch!

Universe Mode
NXT Takeover: Brooklyn
August 25th, 2018
Location: Brooklyn, NY

The Ascension(c) vs The Street Profits- NXT Tag Team Championship Match

This was an incredible, high paced opening contest, filled with plenty of near falls, as neither team was willing to lose. Twice, Konnor and Viktor hit the Fall of Man, but Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford continued to save each other. Ford nearly won it with a Frog Splash, but Viktor managed to kick out. In the end, Ford finally went down to the third Fall of Man, as The Ascension survived. 

Winners and still NXT Tag Team Champions: The Ascension

Drew Gulak(c) vs Cedric Alexander- Cruiserweight Championship Match

Several times, Drew Gulak was on the verge of handing Cedric Alexander another defeat in a big match, including a near fall off the Southern Lights suplex. But with the Brooklyn crowd on his side, the Queen City's Favorite Son managed to connect with the Lumbar Check, and finally lift his first singles championship. 

Winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion: Cedric Alexander

SAnitY vs The Undisputed Era

This match was pure carnage, as expected. Adam Cole did have a gameplan, as he, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly looked to isolate Killain Dain, seeing him as the biggest threat. But Alexander Wolfe and Eric Young saved their teammate with wicked steel chair shots, leaving O'Reilly on his own. Kyle desperately tried to fight on, actually fighting all three members of SAnitY with a kendo stick, but eventually, the numbers game caught up to him, as he fell to the Ulster Plantation from Dain. 

Winners: SAnitY

Toni Storm(c) vs Rhea Ripley- NXT Women's Championship Match

Rhea Ripley was an absolute beast in this match, determined she would not fall to Toni Storm for a second time. After Storm countered the Riptide, she managed to hit Storm Zero, which no woman has yet to survive. But Ripley would be the first, kicking out at two! The match would continue, as Ripley caught Storm off the top rope with a big powerbomb. Ripley then applied an abdominal stretch, looking to tap the champion out. But with one last effort, Storm escaped and nailed Ripley in the jaw with a superkick! With the challenger down, Storm managed to roll through and connect on another Storm Zero! One.................two.................three!

Winner and still NXT Women's Champion: Toni Storm

Apollo Crews(c) vs EC3- NXT Championship Match

Both of these powerhouses beat the hell out of each other in an entertaining, hotly contested main event. After EC3 had a few counters early, Apollo Crews would manage to connect on an enziguri, and then his spin-out powerbomb, but only for a two count. Several times, EC3 attempted to win the match with quick roll-ups, but it became clear that he was going to have to beat Crews clean. He nearly did just that, but after hitting the One Percenter, he went for a cocky pin, which the champion kicked out of. Crews had new life, battering EC3 with stiff strikes before climbing up top and delivering an incredible Superfly splash. In the waning moments, Crews looked again for the powerbomb, but EC3 managed to rake the eyes to escape, which the official didn't notice. He kneed Crews in the jaw, delivering a second One Percenter to bring Apollo's great reign to an end. 

Winner and the NEW NXT Champion: EC3

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