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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 4) Episode 22: Clash of Champions

By hook or by crook, Sami Zayn has finally gotten himself a world title match, and tonight will get his shot to defeat Drew McIntyre and capture the WWE Championship while his best friend Kevin Owens watches on. Plus, Daniel Bryan returns to face Samoa Joe, SAnitY's pay-per-view debut and more!

And now, SmackDown presents.......................Clash of Champions!

Universe Mode
Clash of Champions
September 23rd, 2018
Location: East Lansing, MI

Official Clash of Champions Theme Song- "Glory"- The Score

Ricochet(c) vs Finn Balor- Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship

This was a brutal match, as both men took turns punishing each other with the unforgiving steel ladder. After a battle atop the ladder, Finn Balor took an unbelievable chance, suplexing Ricochet all the way to the mat! But this proved to a big mistake for the former champion, as he took the worst of the impact. But Balor showed a lot of grit, as even after Ricochet connected on two Benadryller's, the challenger kept getting up. Eventually, it came down to a war atop the ladder, with both men looking to unhook the title. In an act of desperation, Ricochet grabbed hold of the belt and smashed Balor in the face with it, giving him enough time to unhook and lift his championship. 

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Ricochet

Charlotte Flair vs Ember Moon

The Queen nearly got an early decisive win over Ember, but Natural Selection could only garner a two count. Moon rallied, connecting with a big lariat before sizing up the Eclipse. But Ember only barely connected, not enough to keep Charlotte down. Flair countered a dropkick, hit a big chopblock and applied the Figure Eight, forcing Moon to tap out and giving Charlotte another win. 

Winner: Charlotte Flair

The Bludgeon Brothers(c) vs SAnitY- SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

Harper and Rowan were as dominant as ever in this match, though Killian Dain was able to match some of their power. After Harper hit Eric Young with the discus clothesline, Dain made the save, igniting a brawl between himself and Rowan. In the chaos, Young managed to hit Harper with the wheelbarrow neckbreaker! But Harper kicked out at two, and turned the tide with a big boot, before tagging in Rowan to hit The Bludgeoning to retain the titles. 

Winners and still SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Bludgeon Brothers

Andrade "Cien" Almas vs Rey Mysterio

After a back and forth early portion of the match, Andrade took control on the outside, aggravating some of the injuries Rey suffered at the hands of Samoa Joe. The Ultimate Underdog tried to will his way to victory despite the pain, but eventually fell to the hammerlock DDT. 

Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas

Kairi Sane(c) vs Asuka vs Sasha Banks- SmackDown Women's Championship Match

Sasha Banks caused chaos during this match, taking out both Kairi Sane and Asuka as they were too distracted fighting each other. The Japanese women eventually teamed up, but the alliance didn't last for long. Kairi nearly managed to tap Asuka out with The Anchor, while Asuka nearly got the three count with a big roundhouse kick. Sasha almost won the title with a roll-up on Asuka, but paid for it with another roundhouse. It was Kairi who capitalized, hitting Asuka with a spinning backfist and putting Banks away with the InSane Elbow. 

Winner and still SmackDown Women's Champion: Kairi Sane

Daniel Bryan vs Samoa Joe

Daniel Bryan had a new look and a new attitude in his return to the ring, as he seemed to be embracing his American Dragon roots. This was an absolute slugfest, as Samoa Joe had welts all over his chest and arms while Bryan was busted open. The key to the match was the Coquina Clutch, which may have put Bryan away but Joe was countered twice trying to lock the hold in. Bryan was able to connect with several big strikes, and then hit the running knee, and then hit it again! But Joe was still stirring, the job wasn't finished yet. Bryan reached deep into his bag of tricks, and managed to apply the Cattle Mutilation! His old finishing move would get the job done, as Bryan may be back in line for a WWE Championship match. 

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Drew McIntyre(c) vs Sami Zayn- WWE Championship Match

With the crowd in East Lansing behind him, Sami Zayn did everything he could to topple Drew McIntyre in the main event. Zayn connected with an elbow drop and a vicious enziguri, before McIntyre rolled to the floor and got planted with a tornado DDT! The WWE Champion fought back with pure power, knocking Sami silly with a headbutt and nearly winning with the Future Shock DDT, but Zayn got his foot to the bottom rope. Sami was beginning to slow down, but had enough left for a big flurry of strikes, followed up with the Helluva Kick! Sami Zayn was on the cusp of becoming WWE Champion! But as the move connected, Kevin Owens caught the official's leg for some reason. The ref was having none of it, ejecting Owens, but the distraction was enough for Drew to kick out at two. A bewildered Sami watched his best friend walk up the ramp, and then turned right into a Claymore Kick! Kevin Owens watched on as the ref made the three count, a sick grin on his face. 

Winner and still WWE Champion: Drew McIntyre

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.


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