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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): No Mercy 2019

Tonight, "The Fiend" arrives. The demented alter-ego of Bray Wyatt, the most sadistic force of nature on the Raw roster, challenges for the Universal Championship. And for the entirety of the red brand, Aleister Black must emerge victorious tonight, for if Raw's top prize leaves in the possession of "The Fiend" tonight, then the entire brand may be doomed. But if there was a man to step up to this monster, it would be Aleister Black. Since winning the 2018 Royal Rumble, "The Dutch Destroyer" has been the one of the absolute, undeniable best on Raw. capturing the Universal Championship twice and defeating The Undertaker at WrestleMania. For all his accomplishments and dominance, this is the biggest night and the biggest fight of Aleister Black's life. Tonight must end in victory for Aleister Black, for defeat means the possibility of no tomorrow. It's time for war.

And now, Raw presents......................No Mercy!

Universe Mode
No Mercy
September 22nd, 2019
Location: Bowling Green, KY

Official No Mercy 2019 Theme Song- "Unsainted"- Slipknot

Shinsuke Nakamura vs ???

We opened up No Mercy with this open challenge, as "The King of Strong Style" was ready to face anyone who walked down that aisle. But he wasn't prepared for who he would meet....


The "Ace of the Universe" has arrived to Universe Mode! Hiroshi Tanahashi, one of the biggest stars in Japanese puroresu history, made his debut on the Raw brand, as the fans popped big and Shinsuke Nakamura tried to recover from shock. 

But Nakamura was not a former long reigning Universal Champion for nothing, and he wasted no time in going after Raw's newest signing. Shinsuke Nakamura was pushed to deliver his best tonight, and he certainly gave us that. At every turn, Hiroshi Tanahashi was thwarted looking for his signature offense, as you could certainly tell that these men had been in the ring with each other many times in the past. Nakamura was stellar, using his strikes to keep Tanahashi off guard and stay in control. But in the end, Tanahashi's heart and resolve won out. He kicked out the Kinshasa not once but twice, fighting on to attempt the High Fly Flow. Nakamura countered the first attempt, but Tanahashi would not be denied, flooring Shinsuke with a big dropkick before connecting on the High Fly Flow to earn his first win on Raw. 

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi

Alexa Bliss vs Toni Storm

The story of this match was just how badly Toni Storm wanted to punish Alexa Bliss, as evidenced by their brawl on Raw. Throughout the contest, Bliss did everything possible to wind Storm up, including arrogant pinfall attempts and even just leaving the ring a few times whenever Storm tried to go on offense. Eventually, Toni Storm would lose control, and began brawling, battering Bliss with forearms. Alexa kept her wits about her despite being under assault, and was able to dodge a big rolling elbow from Storm. With lightning quick speed, Alexa took her chance, catching an off kilter Toni Storm with her spike DDT! Stunned, Storm has no counter to Twisted Bliss, as Alexa manipulated her way to a victory over the former NXT Women's Champion.

Winner: Alexa Bliss

The Bar vs The Young Bucks

Cesaro and Sheamus were tormentors on this night, as with Matt Jackson still feeling the effect of the Brogue Kick he took on Raw, Nick Jackson was forced into a handicap match. Nick fought as best as he could, but the former champions were always in control. Nick took a Brogue Kick and then the Neutralizer, as The Bar were cruising towards an easy win. That was until Matt Jackson made the save, and tagged himself in! Matt stood toe to toe with former WWE Champion Cesaro, and the crowd was certainly on Matt's side, cheering him on against seemingly impossible odds. Matt Jackson brought the fight to The Bar, and got some sweet revenge on Sheamus, taking him down with a well placed enziguri! But Cesaro got involved on the apron, grabbing Matt from behind and not letting go. Matt fought his way free, and sent Cesaro flying with a superkick! Sheamus tried to take advantage of the distraction, looking to drop Matt with another Brogue Kick, but Nick Jackson made the save, hitting Sheamus with a superkick! Matt made the tag, and the Young Bucks finished Sheamus off with the Meltzer Driver, and the twin brothers celebrated in the ring, well on their way to a shot at the Undisputed Era.

Winners: The Young Bucks

Ruby Riott(c) vs Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair vs Naomi- Raw Women's Championship Match

Ruby Riott wasted no time, as both the bell could even ring, she took a cheap shot on bitter rival Becky Lynch! "The Man" was out of the contest, but Riott paid for it, as Charlotte Flair was all over the champion. With help from Naomi, Flair got revenge for her friend, taking the wind out of Riott with a Spear before knocking Ruby senseless with a big boot. Lynch now re-entered the ring, and the three former allies shared an uneasy staredown. With the women's championship on the line, everything broke down quickly, as all three women exchanged signature moves. Riott, meanwhile, decided to hide, crawling under the ring as no one paid her much attention. In the ring, Flair and Lynch exchanged near falls, as the two friends were more than willing to beat the other for the title. Naomi attempted to take advantage, spiking Flair into the canvas with a headscissor DDT and lined Lynch up for the Rear View. But at the last moment, Flair dived in, pulling Lynch to safety as Naomi crashed and burned! Becky did not seem to know how to react, staring at Charlotte for a several moments, before both women nodded and shared an evil grin. Flair and Lynch went after Naomi, putting their fellow challenger almost through the ring with a double team powerbomb! Naomi took a Natural Selection from "The Queen", and then was locked into the Dis-arm-her by "The Man"! Becky Lynch was about to reclaim her title, as Naomi was on the verge of tapping..........................but before she could, Charlotte pulled Becky away! With the title at stake, Flair now turned on Lynch, hitting her with a big boot before powerbombing her onto the steel floor! Charlotte Flair began to laugh, as she stared down at the still unconscious Naomi, about to finally claim the Raw Women's Championship...............................but from under the ring, Ruby Riott was back! In the blink of an eye, before anyone could react, Riott rolled up Flair and got the three count! Ruby Riott grabbed her belt and ran for the hills, as Charlotte Flair looked completely stunned in the ring.

Winner and still Raw Women's Champion: Ruby Riott

Kevin Owens vs Pete Dunne

This was a match between two heated rivals, and two men that would do whatever it took to earn victory. That was certainly extremely evident at the start, when Owens jumped Dunne during his entrance, and showcased throughout the rest of the match. Owens would look for the countout victory several times, including once after a Pop-Up Powerbomb on the outside, but Dunne was not letting KO escape that easily. Dunne used his joint manipulation to keep Owens on the defensive, and nearly had the match won after a Bitter End. But Kevin Owens, to his credit, is a fighter, and found a way back into the contest. A big diving cannonball connected for Owens, who looked for another Pop-Up Powerbomb in the ring to finish it. But as Dunne was lifted into the air, he managed to grab Kevin's right arm on the way down. Dunne locked Owens into a hammerlock armbar, and as the fans cheered him on, wrenched back with as much force as possible. Everyone in the arena heard the sickening crack, and as Owens rolled around on the mat in agony, the official attempted to stop the match. But Pete Dunne was having none of it, and applied a Kimura Lock on Kevin's potentially broken right arm, leaving Owens to immediately tap and hand over the victory and number one contendership.

Winner: Pete Dunne

Adam Cole(c) vs Kenny Omega- United States Championship Match

For all of his cheating ways, it should not be forgotten that Adam Cole is a fantastic in-ring performer. He showed that at Summerslam, and he showed it again tonight, going toe to toe with Kenny Omega for the first few minutes. That back and forth was filled with energy, as champion and challenger traded big shots, looking to put the other away quickly. But Cole would whiff on a jumping enziguri, and suddenly was at the mercy of Kenny Omega. Omega showed no mercy, tossing Cole around the ring with unnerving power, before showcasing his athleticism with a beautiful springboard hurricanrana. Omega hit Cole with a V-Trigger, then another, then a third, as the United States Champion was left in a heap, busted open and with absolutely no answers. Kenny Omega struck his signature pose, and made the call to end it. "Goodbye and Goodnight, Adam Cole!" he shouted, and the fans in attendance shouted it with him, eager to see Cole fall. But before Omega could hit the One-Winged Angel, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly came running down the ramp! Despite being banned from ringside, Fish and O'Reilly slid right into the ring, as the official could not contain the Raw Tag Team Champions. Omega fought them off momentarily, but would go down to their finisher, Chasing the Dragon. Fish and O'Reilly continued to rain down shots on Omega, who was declared the winner by disqualification, as officials and road agents swarmed the ring, trying to get the situation under control.

Winner: Kenny Omega

Aleister Black(c) vs "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt- Universal Championship Match

Aleister Black had no gameplan to defeat "The Fiend" here tonight, instead just coming out swinging. Right away, Black connected on a big roundhouse kick! It was a devastating blow, but "The Fiend" was still standing, so Black hit the bicycle knee strike, then another! Bowling Green was behind the champion, and Black went to end it. Black Mass.......................................but "The Fiend" blocked it, grabbing Black's leg! There was an audible gasp from the crowd, as Black was caught now, hobbling on one leg. Black stared into the cold, dead eyes of "The Fiend", and knew it was all over. Black was lifted high in the air, and planted with a spinebuster! "The Fiend" measured, and locked in the Mandible Claw! Black fought with everything he had, biting and throwing jabs but nothing made a difference. "The Fiend" had the hold locked in tight, and Aleister Black was out. The inevitable had happened. Slowly, "The Fiend" stalked his prey, as Black, with all the fighting spirit he had left, desperately tried to regain his senses. It didn't make a bit of difference, as "The Fiend" drilled Black into the canvas with a Sister Abigail! 1..........................2..........................3.

Winner and the NEW Universal Champion: "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt


After making the three count into the horrified silence that was the arena, the official made his way to ringside, picking up the Universal Championship before laying it at the feet of "The Fiend". It looked down at the newly won prize, before slowly picking up the belt, still staring at it. "The Fiend" then hugged the championship to it's chest, exiting up the ramp like a proud new father. What will become of Monday Night Raw with this creature, this demon as the face of the brand?

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings. 


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