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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Summerslam 2019 (Part 2)

Part 2 of Summerslam opens with Adam Cole defending his United States Championship against Kassius Ohno, as The Undisputed Era look to leave the Biggest Party of the Summer draped in gold. Plus, Finn Balor leads his boys against the Dream Team, Kevin Owens battles Steve Austin and The Velveteen Dream makes his main roster debut against The Undertaker. And in Part 2's main event, everything is at stake for Monday Night Raw as Aleister Black defends the Universal Championship against Brock Lesnar.

Summerslam 2019 Theme Song- "Shoot to Thrill"- AC/DC

Adam Cole(c) vs Kassius Ohno- United States Championship Match

With all the pressure on him to step up, Adam Cole wrestled smart in an attempt to out-fox Kassius Ohno. Cole focused most of his offense on the neck and right forearm of Ohno, attempting to neutralize Ohno's power as well as set a target to exploit. Early on, it didn't make much of a difference, as Ohno easily took Cole down again and again, but Ohno never adapted to Cole's gameplan, continuing to use his right forearm to deliver damage. In the end, this failure to strategize cost the challenger dearly, as Ohno was able to connect on the Death Blow, but didn't get enough power behind it. Cole briefly stunned Ohno with an eye rake followed by a sick brainbuster, before ending the "Knockout Artist" with the Panama Sunrise. 

Winner and still United States Champion: Adam Cole


As Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly celebrated in the ring with their leader, all three men posed, gold glistening around their waists. Cole then took to the mic, oozing confidence and ego, declaring that The Undisputed Era was now the greatest faction pro wrestling has ever seen. But like the end of Part 1, there was commotion at ringside, as this time two men hopped the barricade. But unlike CM Punk, they made no attempt to hide their identities. Wearing their own merch, Matt and Nick Jackson stared down Cole, Fish and O'Reilly! And then they both signaled to the Kenny Omega made his return to Universe Mode! It's The Elite, formerly of SmackDown Live! Omega and the Young Bucks have made it clear that they are next for The Undisputed Era. 

The Dream Team(c) vs The Balor Club- SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

Since agreeing to work together and forming a tag team, Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler have continued to progress in every match, and tonight they looked at their best. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows were on the defensive all match long, a rare position for the "Good Brothers" to find themselves in. It didn't help the challengers at all to have Finn Balor at ringside, who mostly just yelled at his team rather than do anything to actually help. In the end, Anderson was neutralized, leaving Gallows on his own. Gallows was able to out-power McIntyre for a few minutes, but the former WWE Champion got the better of the exchange, sending Gallows springboarding right into a superkick from Ziggler. McIntyre drilled the Claymore Kick, and that was it for the challengers, as a frustrated Finn Balor could only watch on hopelessly as the three count was made. 

Winners and still SmackDown Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team

Kevin Owens vs Steve Austin

Though "Stone Cold" was certainly motivated to beat the hell out of Kevin Owens tonight, the fact remained that Owens was just WWE Champion months previous and Austin hadn't wrestled in three years. To the disappointment of the fans in Chicago, Owens took Austin apart, slowly but surely, completely out-wrestling the legend and having fun doing it. It seemed like an easy Kevin Owens win was inevitable, as he was clearly a step better than Steve Austin on this night, but Owens fell prey to over-confidence, gloating and taunting just a little too much. With Chicago willing him on, Austin fought back, and opened a can of whoop a** on Owens, busting Kevin open with a series of right hands. As KO tried to regain composure, the "Texas Rattlesnake" struck, with a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin let Owens know what he thought of him, taunting Kevin on the ground with a volley of insults before flipping him the bird! Austin wasn't finished yet, as he kicked Owens in the gut, looking for another Stunner, but Owens countered! Stunner from Kevin Owens! The tide had turned, but as Owens scrambled for the cover, Austin was stumbling back up to his feet. Steve Austin wasn't going down to his own move! But Owens had a great finishing move of his own, as he propelled Austin off the ropes to hit the Pop-Up Powerbomb! 1............................2.................................3!

Winner: Kevin Owens

The Undertaker vs The Velveteen Dream

The Dream wanted this match, and he wasn't going to be intimidated by The Undertaker. Velveteen went toe to toe with "Big Evil", giving The Undertaker all he could handle. After a trade of reversals, Undertaker got the upper hand with a big chokeslam, but couldn't hit the Last Ride as The Dream pulled out a great counter. Both men brawled to the outside, where Dream pulled a move right out of The Undertaker's playbook, a powerful big boot! But The Dream would pay for it, as Undertaker tossed him twice into the unforgiving steel steps. With his body in agony, The Dream had no answers this time, as The Undertaker hit the Last Ride! But Velveteen had the wherewithal to find his way close to the ropes on the landing, forcing Undertaker to spend an extra few seconds pulling his opponent into the center of the ring. Those extra seconds paid off, as The Dream kicked out at two! Now Velveteen rallied with a series of strikes, including catching The Undertaker right on the jaw with a spinning back elbow. Dream Valley Driver! The Dream was exhausted, but looked to finish it, slowly pulling himself to the top rope. Purple Rainmaker! But no, The Undertaker had too much time to recover, rolling out of the way as The Dream crashed and burned. Undertaker hit a running big boot, and slowly measured for the end......................Last Ride, middle of the ring! 1......................2....
but The Velveteen Dream kicked out! An absolute shocker, what a kick-out! Even The Undertaker was impressed, allowing The Dream the adequate amount of time to pull himself to a standing position. But respect could only go so far, as "The Deadman" finished it. Tombstone Piledriver! 1..............................2.............................3.

Winner: The Undertaker

Aleister Black(c) vs Brock Lesnar- Universal Championship Match

Before this match could even begin, we were in for a big surprise, as joining Brock Lesnar for his title match was none other than his former advocate, Paul Heyman!

Heyman's presence at ringside made little difference early on, as Brock and Black just wailed away on each other in a vicious strike exchange. Black got the better of the exchange with a well placed knee that felled "The Beast" but Lesnar responded by taking the champion to Suplex City. From there, it was all Brock, who hammered on Black in the corner with clubbing blows to the back, followed by an overhead belly to belly suplex. Lesnar went to the ground and pound, delivering swift and decisive blows as Black tried desperately to get his guard up. Brock stayed on the attack, sending Aleister on another trip to Suplex City, as hope for the champion was quickly draining. Now Lesnar deadlifted Black off the canvas, and hit a trio of devastating powerbombs, showing incredible strength. It seemed like a new champion was about to be crowned, as Lesnar got Black up for the F-5, but Black fought his way free with elbows! Somehow, Black hit the Bicycle Knee! Just like that, the end was nigh for Brock, as the Black Mass connected! 1...............................2........................but Paul Heyman pulled the ref out of the ring before he could make the third count! Black was furious, and lost his cool, chasing an absolutely terrified Heyman around ringside. Brock capitalized, and turned Black inside out with a stiff clothesline! Lesnar rolled the champion back into the ring, and hit the F-5! 1...........................2.................................but Aleister Black kicked out! Heyman lost his marbles at ringside, grabbing a steel chair, intending to give his client another unfair advantage. But he wouldn't get the chance, as suddenly, Goldberg made his entrance! The Raw GM stared Heyman down, who ran for it, pelting his way into the crowd and up the aisles, not stopping until he was safely out of reach. But Heyman's cowardice cost Brock big time, who was clearly extremely distracted by the shenanigans outside of the ring. Now it was Black's turn to capitalize, as he hit the Black Mass to the back of Lesnar's head! What a shot! 1..............................2.............................3! Aleister Black remains champion!

Winner and still Universal Champion: Aleister Black


After his loss, Brock Lesnar made his way through the crowd, joining Paul Heyman as both men departed, clearly upset at tonight's events. Goldberg watched them go, before exiting up the ramp, leaving Aleister Black alone in the ring. The two-time Universal Champion took a seat in the ring, admiring his title, soaking in the moment...................when the lights went out! A man, really some kind of creature, appeared behind Black, who slowly rose and turned around. Aleister Black stared into the eyes of.................................The Fiend! This twisted individual took the champion down with the Mandible Claw, gazing longingly at the Universal Championship! Goldberg ran back out, targeting The Fiend, but as quickly as he appeared, he was gone! Black was left alone once more, and Chicago was left completely stunned as Summerslam came to an end.

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings. 


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