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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Halloween Havoc 2019

Tonight, Sami Zayn may very well face his ending. The WWE Champion must go one on one with "The Phenom", the man who incites fear with a single step, The Undertaker. Zayn has fought through every obstacle, and love him or hate him, has proved to a true champion, but even this valiant champion may be no match for the challenge that lies ahead. Plus, Finn Balor challenges for the Intercontinental Championship, Bayley tangles with Nikki Cross, John Cena and Seth Rollins square off and to open the show, the Money in the Bank briefcase is on the line!

Universe Mode
Halloween Havoc
October 27th, 2019
Location: Grand Rapids, MI

Halloween Havoc 2019 Theme Song- "Fear Inoculum"- TOOL

Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe- Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Roode was absolutely overwhelmed early on, as Joe struck hard and often, hitting a couple big dropkicks and dropping Bobby with a nasty headbutt. Mr. Money in the Bank would get back in it, slowing down the pace and wearing Joe down with knees to the back of the head. The story of the match would boil down to Roode's constant attempts to climb the ladder and reclaim his briefcase, while Joe just focused on punishment. Joe thwarted Roode, tossing him off the ladder, before eventually spearing Roode through the barricade! This was Samoa Joe's chance to claim his prize, but he looked very uncertain around the ladder, taking extra time to set it up just right. Finally, Joe began to climb but Roode had had the time to recover, and quickly scrambled up the ladder to meet Joe up top. The two men exchanged strikes, with Joe's devastating chops giving him the upper hand. But he wasn't comfortable reaching for the briefcase yet, instead looking to knock Roode off the ladder to get a free shot. Roode took advantage of the moment, kicking Joe's leg and tangling it up in the rungs of the ladder! While Joe desperately tried to regain his footing, terrified of the fall that awaited him, Roode unhooked his briefcase, before falling to the canvas himself and rolling to the outside to celebrate!

Winner: Bobby Roode

Big E vs Mustafa Ali

For a guy that has only primarily been a tag team expert in his entire Universe Mode career, Big E looked at home wrestling a singles contest on this night. Mustafa Ali did have his bursts of offense, but nothing could keep Big E out of the match for long. He did have one early mistake, hitting the Big Ending near the ropes, which saved Ali. After Mustafa recovered to hit a slingshot X-Factor, Big E would show some impressive athleticism, dodging a superkick and connecting with an absolutely perfect Michinoku Driver. On the second attempt, Big E learned his lesson, planting Ali in the center of the ring with the Big Ending to secure the three count and an Intercontinental Championship match.

Winner: Big E

The Dream Team(c) vs SAnitY- SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

Perhaps more than any other title defense before, the tag team champions were completely reliant on Drew McIntyre. Once more, McIntyre proved more than capable of soldering the load, sending Eric Young to dream street with a headbutt and tossing Killian Dain around the ring with absolute force. But Dolph, not content with just standing on the apron, felt he needed to be involved in this match, to get his revenge against the men who brutalized him a few weeks back. And to his credit, Ziggler kept up the momentum, thwarting an interference attempt from Dain with a Famouser and nearly beating Young with the Zig-Zag. McIntyre wanted the tag, to finish the match, but Ziggler had too much pride and was too invested in getting the three count himself, and it cost him dearly. EY countered the superkick and knocked Ziggler loopy after a top rope flying neckbreaker. He tagged in Killian Dain, who finished off the scraps, torturing Ziggler's injured ribs and back with a couple fireman's carry slams and a running senton, before hitting the Ulster Plantation to leave Ziggler sprawled out on his back for three.

Winners and the NEW SmackDown Tag Team Champions: SAnitY

John Cena vs Seth Rollins

This was an incredible back and forth collision between two of the very best in Universe Mode, two former world champions desperate to get back to the top level. Seth focused more on taunting to the Grand Rapids crowd, flaunting his talent and drawing all kinds of heat with Cena remained focused on actually winning the match. Because of that, Cena was on the offensive for huge portions of the contest, while Rollins hit the occasional impressive move, including a superplex/falcon arrow combo that impressed the hostile crowd. But Cena's persistence paid off, as he was able to twice avoid Seth's springboard knee strike, and connected on the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena hit the F-U, but Rollins kicked out at two! Cena hit it again, and this time the count was closer, but Rollins still survived! Seth Rollins had certainly lived up to all his talk of being the best, showing exactly how great he could be. A frustrated Cena fought to lock in the STF, but Rollins quickly fought his way free, and Cena sprawling backwards with a school boy superkick. From there, Rollins planted Cena into the canvas with a Blackout, then hit another for good measure and it was lights out and game over for the "Doctor of Thuganomics".

Winner: Seth Rollins

Rusev(c) vs Finn Balor- Intercontinental Championship Match

With no backup in his corner(thanks to his own actions), Finn Balor was all alone, and looked to the fans for moral assistance. Balor got a mixed reaction with a crowd pleasing entrance, but would earn a lot more support in this fight against Rusev. That was mostly because Finn fought against more than Rusev on this night, as Lana got involved to help her husband time and time again. The referee was very close to ejecting the "Ravishing Russian" on several occasions, but Lana seemed to be able to charm her way into keeping a spot at ringside. Going against the brutish strength of Rusev with the machinations of Lana to bail him out, it seemed defeat was inevitable for Finn Balor. But he gave us a tremendous effort, not backing down one inch and outwrestling Rusev at every turn. A smooth transition out of the Accolade gave Balor and his fans hope, especially after a dropkick and a Sling Blade left Rusev prone on the canvas. But as Balor signaled for the Coup de Grace, Rusev saved himself, managing to rise to his feet. Balor was caught on the top rope, and Rusev took advantage, hitting Finn with the Machka Kick! Rusev delivered a Brute Bomb off the top rope, and Balor was left in an absolute heap, easy pickings for the Accolade and Finn was quickly out cold.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Rusev

Bayley vs Nikki Cross- No Holds Barred

Bayley and Sasha had a show of solidarity before the match, as both women were dressed in matching merch and exchanged a hug before the champ headed to the back. Once the bell rang, Bayley dropped many of the goofier aspects of her character and took the fight to Nikki Cross. There was clearly plenty of hatred in the air, as neither woman seemed very interested in actually winning the match as opposed to delivering punishment. Bayley victimized Nikki with several nasty shots from a kendo stick, but Cross got her revenge after laying Bayley out cold after a big boot in the ring post. With Bayley still down and now busted open, Nikki had an easy chance to finish her off, but she was far from done. Cross secured a table, lifting a near lifeless Bayley to the top rope. Cross had an evil plan in mind, and put herself in a precarious position, looking an avalanche neckbreaker through the table that would surely end Bayley's night and perhaps her career. But Bayley was still cognizant enough to fight back, and a brawl erupted on the top rope. Bayley reached down deep into her championship reserve, and pulled out a nasty headbutt that sent Cross crashing through the table! With Nikki barely stirring, Bayley leapt off the top with a flying elbow drop that put this match away.

Winner: Bayley

Sami Zayn(c) vs The Undertaker- WWE Championship Match

Sami Zayn looked more than a little intimidated as he walked down to the ring to square off with "The Phenom" and spent most of the early portion of the match just running away. But The Undertaker quickly caught him, and let loose with vicious rights and lefts on Zayn in the ring. Sami knew he couldn't stand and fight with The Undertaker, and began to just spam submission holds, whenever he saw an opening. Although he didn't come close to tapping 'Taker out, he did begin to slow Undertaker down. The Undertaker began to be limited from hitting most of his power offense, as Zayn had all the counters and worked down Undertaker's back. Sami actually seemed to have a very legitimate chance here, as he was able to connect with a diving dropkick and a springboard tope, and the Grand Rapids crowd began to get antsy. Zayn looked for the Blue Thunder Bomb, but that was just a little too much, as the weight of The Undertaker came crashing down on top of the WWE Champion. Now seizing his opening, Undertaker connected with Snake Eyes, then a big boot and the chokeslam! Undertaker looked to end it, lifting Zayn up for the Last Ride, but his back gave out! Quickly, Sami rallied, whipping the challenger into the corner and hitting the Helluva Kick! 1..........................2........................ but no, The Undertaker got his shoulder up! Zayn was incensed and went for the ground and pound that finished Daniel Bryan off at Summerslam. But Undertaker caught one of Zayn's hands, and transitioned beautifully into Hell's Gate! Would Sami Zayn tap out? Was The Undertaker about to become WWE Champion? No, because Sami had just enough wherewithal to poke Undertaker in the eyes and escape! The crowd booed and the ref got right in Sami's face, threatening to disqualify the champion. But before the official could make a verdict, The Undertaker charged in with a big boot! But Sami rolled out of the way, and the ref took the impact, being knocked clean out! The ref was down and Zayn took advantage, hitting a low blow and another Helluva Kick. He just about managed to lift The Undertaker up top, where he delivered the top rope brainbuster, just in time for the official to come around and make the three count.

Winner and still WWE Champion: Sami Zayn


Sami Zayn had pulled off another improbable title defense, and took the time to gloat to the crowd as he took his title back from the ref. As the champion celebrated, Grand Rapids exploded as The Undertaker suddenly sat up! Zayn was a little too slow to react, completely stunned, and was caught by the throat! "The Deadman" delivered another chokeslam, then a third! The Undertaker was going to take his revenge, and lifted Sami high into the air for the Last Ride! But from underneath the ring, the Velveteen Dream was here! The Dream had a chair, and delivered a nasty shot to the already injured back of The Undertaker. 'Taker went down, and Dream got redemption for his loss at Summerslam, continuing to assault The Undertaker with one chair shot after another. Security mobilized to put a stop to the attack, as Dream continued to wail on Undertaker with the chair as Halloween Havoc went off the air.

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings. 


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