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Henry's Universe Mode #92: Armageddon(Part 2)

Welcome back to Part 2 of Armageddon. To kick this part off, we have a tables match between Brock Lesnar and Golberg. To follow it up, the Phenomenal One looks to regain the gold, and in the main event, it is Last Man Standing between Kane and The Undertaker.

Goldberg(c) vs Brock Lesnar- Tables Match for the World Heavyweight Title

These two beasts went at it right away, opening with a ferocious brawl, exchanging rights and lefts. Goldberg took the fight to Lesnar, but it was clear the champion was not at one hundred percent after Lesnar's assault on Raw. Despite this, Goldberg fought hard, and even had the Beast Incarnate reeling with a Spear. The move took a lot out of Goldberg, and he was not able to capitalize, giving Brock a big opening. The challenger took advantage, hitting Goldberg with a volley of suplexes and finishing his attack off with a F-5. None of this did any good for Lesnar, though, as he wasn't even attempting to put Goldberg through a table and win the match. Goldberg did his best to fight back, but when he charged at Lesnar for a second Spear, Lesnar caught him with a german suplex, lifting Golberg over the ropes and sending him flying through a table at ringside. With that incredible maneuver, Brock Lesnar had once again become World Heavyweight Champion, but he wasn't finished, putting Goldberg through another table with a F-5, sending a message to the Raw locker room.

Winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Brock Lesnar

Tyson Kidd(c) vs AJ Styles- WWE Title Match

Both champion and challenger worked at a measured pace, feeling each other out in the early going. Kidd's expertise in grappling gave him the advantage, and allowed him to wear down Styles, as the Phenomenal One was on the defensive for most of the match. For all of his big talk, Styles just couldn't handle Kidd, and it showed. Tyson wrestled circles around the Phenomenal One, and it was all Styles could do to stay in the match. Being out wrestled, Styles turned to his strikes to get him back in it, and it worked, as the ferocity and speed of Styles began to wear down the champion. A big neckbreaker had Tyson reeling, as AJ looked for the Styles Clash. In an impressive display of speed and skill, Tyson countered AJ's biggest move, turning it into the Dungeon Lock. Once more, AJ was locked into Tyson's most dangerous hold, and for the second time, Styles found nowhere to go and tapped out. Tyson celebrated, gold intact, as AJ retreated up the ramp, defeated once more.

Winner and still WWE Champion: Tyson Kidd

Kane vs The Undertaker- Last Man Standing Match

These two destructive brothers were not going to wait for the bell to ring, as the brawl started right away. Neither gave ground as weapons entered the fray, Kane smashing the Undertaker with a steel chair and the Deadman reciprocating with the steel steps. It was simply all out warfare, with both men tearing the outside of the ring to shreds, blood figuratively and literally flowing. The Undertaker suffered a gash across his forehead, and quickly he wore a crimson mask to rival Kane's. A chokeslam from The Undertaker did little to slow Kane down, and the Big Red Machine delivered payback in the form of a chokeslam through the announce table, a move The Undertaker knew very well. It appeared that The Undertaker might be done for, but the Demon from Death Valley rose at a nine count. The battle entered the ring, where the official ate a face full of steel, as Kane brandished a steel chair with very little abandon. The Deadman fought with every fiber of his being, unloading on Kane with rights and lefts, and capping it off with a chokeslam. Kane rose at an eight count, and turned things around, hitting a Tombstone Piledriver onto another steel chair. The Undertaker, determined to vanquish his brother, rose once more. Kane looked to put it to rest, looking to take his brother's head off with a set of steel steps, but The Undertaker saw it coming. Kane ate the steel, and The Undertaker saw his opening. He delivered a massive Tombstone Piledriver off the steel steps, driving Kane's head off the edge of the steps. At long last, the ten count was given, and The Undertaker stood tall, finally victorious.

Winner: The Undertaker

The Deadman finally defeats his brother, and two titles change hands, including Brock Lesnar becoming a two-time World Heavyweight Champion. Thank you for joining me for Armageddon, see you tomorrow on Raw.

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