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Henry's Universe Mode #96: Raw

Tonight, it's the final episode of Raw in 2016. Following last week's vicious assault, Sasha Banks demanded another shot at the Raw Women's Title. Shane McMahon refused, but the champion Bayley accepted, eager to get revenge after last week's attack. Sasha will get another shot at the belt, while Rusev will get a shot at the World Heavyweight Title in the main event, as he faces Brock Lesnar. Former tag partners collide as Seth Rollins faces Roman Reigns, a Rumble spot is on the line for Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe, and more on this edition of Monday Night Raw!

Universe Mode
Monday Night Raw
December 26th, 2016
Location: Providence, RI

Chris Jericho vs Samoa Joe- Royal Rumble Qualification Match

Samoa Joe called last week's battle royal elimination "the most embarrassing moment of my life". Joe was looking for revenge this week, and got in a big way. Y2J just couldn't keep up with the brutal Samoan, who dismantled him with vicious strikes. The match was quick but brutal, with Joe finishing Jericho off with a big Muscle Buster to earn the first Royal Rumble spot.

Joe wasn't done though, locking in the Coquina Clutch after the bell had rung, sending a message to the other 29 competitors that will enter the Rumble.

Winner: Samoa Joe

The New Day vs The Wyatt Family

The New Day(sans Big E, who was injured last week by Bray Wyatt) looked to challenge The Wyatt Family once more. After Bray Wyatt declared last week that only destruction could reign, Harper and Rowan looked inspired to prove his words true. Just like the previous match, this was not very close. Kofi and Xavier did the best they could, but Harper and Rowan's power was too much to match, and Harper finished Xavier off with a Discus Clothesline.

Winners: The Wyatt Family

Bayley(c) vs Sasha Banks- Raw Women's Title Match

The champion was clearly not at 100 percent, and the challenger took full advantage. After news broke that Bayley has suffered bruised ribs thanks to Sasha's assault last week, the Boss focused all of her attention on the midsection. She picked Bayley apart, taking a slower pace that suited her quite well. Bayley seemed to be in considerable pain, but refused to give up, kicking out of multiple near falls. Sasha grew frustrated, and that led to a few mistakes, which Bayley took full advantage of. Bayley connected with a Bayley-to-Belly, but couldn't make the pin thanks to injured ribs. This gave Sasha an opening, and she locked in the Bank Statement. Bayley held out as long as she could, but even her will couldn't last forever, and she was forced to tap out. By hook or by crook, Sasha had finally captured her first Universe Mode gold.

Winner and the NEW Raw Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns

These two men had waged war in the past, and they would do so again in this match. Rollins had been bragging and boasting leading up to this encounter, and Reigns was looking for an opportunity to shut him up. Rollins struck first though, hitting several big moves on Reigns and looking for several covers, but Reigns kicked out of each one. Roman slowed the match down, using his power to keep Rollins off-balance. Rollins had the advantage in speed and agility though, and dodged Roman's first attempt at the Spear, hitting a Curb Stomp for a narrow two count. Reigns reversed the momentum, hitting a Crucifix Powerbomb for a near fall. Rollins tried his best to escape, feeling the swing of momentum, but before he could, he was flattened by a Spear, as Roman Reigns finally picked up a win over his former Shield brother.

After the match, Dean Ambrose came out to celebrate with Reigns. The two had formed an alliance to shut Seth Rollins up, and Rollins had indeed been quieted. Ambrose raised Reigns' arm, before shocking the world by booting him in the gut and hitting a Dirty Deeds. Chaos had reigned supreme, with the Lunatic Fringe leaving more questions than answers.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar(c) vs Rusev- World Heavyweight Title Match

These two powerhouses beat the hell out of each other, with the World Heavyweight Title at stake. The presence of the Ravishing Russian, Lana, proved to be a major force, as she saved her husband several times. Lana didn't seem intimidated by Brock Lesnar, getting in Lesnar's face several times and allowing Rusev to hit some big moves on the distracted Lesnar. Despite a numbers disadvantage, Lesnar still connected on a F-5 to Rusev, forcing Lana to make the save by pulling the ref out of the ring. The official ejected Lana for this conduct, enraging Rusev. The two men brawled to the outside, and Rusev scored big, sending Lesnar flying into the barricade. He rolled the champion back into the ring, and looked to lock in the Accolade. Lesnar countered with pure power, sending Rusev flying and then sending him back down to the canvas with another F-5. The Beast Incarnate picked up a broken Rusev and deposited him with a third F-5 that finally put the match to rest. It was one of Lesnar's toughest challenges yet, but he exits 2016 with the world title still in his possession.

Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Brock Lesnar

That's it for Raw in 2016. Tune in for the final SmackDown of the year tomorrow, and the final Main Event on Wednesday.

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my brand new Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.


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