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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Royal Rumble 2020 (Part 2)

Part 2 of the 2020 Royal Rumble event features no Rumble match, but should be exciting nonetheless. On tap, we have the end of a war, an incredibly personal and likely extremely violent grudge match between Jon Moxley and Roman Reigns. Also, EC3 challenges for the Universal Championship, and CM Punk looks for redemption against Robert Roode, with the WWE title at stake!

Universe Mode
Royal Rumble
January 26th, 2020
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Royal Rumble 2020 Theme Song- "Gladiator"- Zayde Wolf

Jon Moxley vs Roman Reigns- Extreme Rules Match

This match was just as violent and just as vile as anyone could've expected, with these two former friends going all out to mark an end to this war. They revisited a couple big spots from their feud, as Moxley laid out Reigns with a Dirty Deeds on the hood of a car backstage, and Reigns returned the favor with a Spear, not off the stage but through the LED board below the TitanTron. "The Big Dog" dragged his opponent to the ring, intent on finally ending it. Two more Spears in the ring! Finally, Reigns attempted the first pinfall of the match-up......................but Moxley kicked out at two! Jon Moxley was not going down that easy, but perhaps he should've. Reigns stayed in control, dumping Moxley to the outside and then Spearing him through the barricade! At this point, Moxley was completely lifeless, but Reigns was going to end it for good. He got a table and a can of lighter fluid from under the ring, and then proceed to set the table on fire with a match! A sick grin on his face, Reigns lifted Moxley high in the air, and powerbombed him through the flaming table! Roman rolled Jon back into the ring, and delivered one more emphatic Spear, and it was finally over.

Winner: Roman Reigns


A local medical team was on hand for the aftermatch of this match, as Raw GM Paul Heyman knew what risks both men might put themselves through for victory. Reigns, impressively still walking with ease, looked down once more at his former friend, impassive, before making his way up the ramp. He passed by a very frightened Renee Young, who was rushing to the ring to attend to her husband. With Young at his side, Moxley was slowly stretchered out of the ring, on his way to the hospital, and it seems certain that his wrestling career may be in serious jeopardy. Jon Moxley had always believed in violence as the truest form of wrestling, the more brutal the better, and tonight, it may have finally caught up to him.

Big E(c) vs The Velveteen Dream- Intercontinental Championship Match

There was certainly a big gap in experience between champion and challenger, which Big E had exploited in the build-up by pretending to not know who the Dream was. Certainly, a lot of the Dream's preparation for this match paid off, as he was able to match power with Big E, no mean feat. But his lack of experience would cost him. First, he got taunting on the top turnbuckle, and Big E rolled him up for a nearfall. Dream was able to counter into a nearfall of his own, but committed a second, more costly mistake, when he attempted to follow up with a saito suplex. Big E countered in the air and landed full flush onto the Dream, all his body weight crushing the challenger, before bouncing off the ropes to hit a big standing splash. Those back to back moves left Dream gasping for air and unable to answer the three count.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Big E

The Revival(c) vs AJ Styles and Ricochet- Raw Tag Team Championship Match

The tag team chemistry between AJ and Ricochet was question in the lead-up to this match, and certainly showed during it. Both men seemed intent on winning it on their own, routinely tagging each other in and failing to communicate in certain moments. Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson were a well-oiled machine, using double team offense and slow, methodical wrestling to shut down the spurts of offense from the challengers. A rally from Ricochet was cut off, and AJ tagged himself in, and then would end up on the receiving end of a beatdown by Dawson. Despite many opportunities to do so, Styles refused to tag out, even though Dawson was crippling his right leg. Dawson was able to apply his inverted figure four, and a frustrated Ricochet didn't bother entering the ring to break the hold, as AJ was eventually forced to tap out.

Winners and still Raw Tag Team Champions: The Revival

Sasha Banks(c) vs Shayna Baszler- SmackDown Women's Championship Match

After so much tension leading up to this match, the air between Bayley and Sasha Banks was frosty to say the least, and Bayley seemed determined to stay out of the action. Banks and Baszler set the bar high for women's wrestling in 2020, as this was an absolutely gripping encounter that had the crowd in Phoenix on the edge of their seats throughout. Both women gave it their all, but Baszler held a slight advantage throughout. "The Queen of Spades" was in top form on this night, determined to not have her Money in the Bank cash-in end in failure. It was all "The Legit Boss" could do to just find counters, get space and strike with speed, was not to be deterred. In a fantastic sequence, Shayna immediately fought her way free from the Bank Statement right after it was applied, before drilling Banks with a running knee and applying the Kirifuda Clutch in the middle of the ring. Time stood still as Sasha seemed mere moments away from tapping, and Bayley watched on at ringside, finally showing some worry about her best friend's plight. In a pure showing of heart and fighting spirit, Sasha Banks fought free of the Kirifuda, flipping her way out. But Baszler just sent her flying to the outside, right in front of Bayley. Baszler mounted Banks on the floor, intent on dealing out permanent damage. But Bayley had seen enough, and pulled Baszler away! Incensed, Baszler sent Bayley back-first into the steel steps, but Bayley had bought just enough time. Banks capitalized on the moment, spiking Baszler on the floor with a neckbreaker, before rolling her into the ring and hitting a Frog Splash. 1..................2....................3!

Winner and still SmackDown Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

"The Fiend" Bray Wyatt(c) vs EC3- Universal Championship Match

Either out of ignorance or courage, EC3 had shown no fear of "The Fiend" before this match, and wouldn't show any here. As "The Fiend" made his entrance, EC3 began doing push-ups in the ring as Phoenix cheered him on. Even the demonic champion didn't know what to make of it, pausing on the ramp to tilt his head. Then EC3 struck, taking down the champ with a suicide dive! This man knows no fear! EC3 rolled "The Fiend" into the ring, and connected with a running knee, lifting the champion up onto his shoulders, ready to hit the One Percenter! He let out a triumphant scream, a massive burst of alpha energy........................and "The Fiend" countered. The champion fought free with sharp elbows to the side of the challenger's skull, before planting him with a vicious uranage. Stunned, EC3 tried to sit back up, and "The Fiend" grasped hold of his head. The champion stared into the distance, and then twisted as hard and as violently as possible. EC3 collapsed to the mat, lifeless. The lights went out, and when they came back up, both champion and challenger were gone.

Robert Roode(c) vs CM Punk- WWE Championship Match

Questions could certainly be raised on how much of a deserving champion Roode is, considering he's never really been able to deliver in the biggest moments. But "The Glorious One" laid a lot of the doubts to rest on this night, as he went toe-to-toe with CM Punk. If anything, Roode was actually slightly better than Punk in this match, a testament to just how much he had done to prepare. Roode came out ahead in many of the grappling exchanges, which forced Punk to use more aerial maneuvers. Roode was ready for that too, catching Punk on an attempted diving clothesline and spiking him with a Spinebuster! The challenger was in danger now, as Roode hit the Glorious DDT! 1.....................2.........................but Punk kicked out! Roode didn't waste time worrying about that kick-out, as he just went right back on the attack, looking for a Glorious Bomb. Fighting for his life, Punk countered, and just went for it, lifting Roode up for the GTS! He hit it! CM Punk had gotten his one moment and capitalized, but unfortunately for the challenger, Roode, either through preparation or pure luck, had just managed to fall to the outside, knocking down the ref in the process. An exhausted and beaten up Punk slowly exited to the ring, rolling Roode back in, before attempting to revive the official. As he did so, a stranger had entered the ring. Just like Punk at Summerslam, this man was hooded, his identity obscured. Punk, hearing the buzzing of the Phoenix crowd, slowly got to his feet and turned around, to get blasted with  Busaiku Knee! That couldn't be......but the stranger ran for it, and Roode was now up. The champion ended it, lifting Punk up and hitting a quick Glorious DDT to retain his title.

Winner and still WWE Champion: Robert Roode

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.  


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