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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Summerslam 2019 (Part 1)

Welcome to Part 1 of Summerslam! In this part, Sasha Banks and Asuka look to steal the show once more, The Undisputed Era begin their quest for gold, Rusev continues his war against tag team wrestling and unlikely allies Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Naomi team up to face the Riott Squad. And then in Part 1's main event, it's a huge match for the future of SmackDown, as Sami Zayn defends his WWE Championship against Daniel Bryan!

And now, Raw and SmackDown present...........................Summerslam!

Universe Mode
August 25th, 2019
Location: Chicago, IL

Summerslam 2019 Theme Song- "Shoot to Thrill"- AC/DC

Sasha Banks(c) vs Asuka- SmackDown Women's Championship Match

Asuka has been a force of destruction lately, and early on, Sasha Banks seemed to be poised for destruction. Asuka took the new champion apart with calculating, vicious offense. But Sasha had a few tricks up her sleeve, almost literally, as a piece of her ring gear came loose and the champion forced the ref to call for a quick break so she could discard the scrap of clothing. This proved to be a genius move, as Banks used the breather to go on the attack, hitting Asuka with a reverse DDT and big shining wizard. Twice, Sasha attempted to apply the Bank Statement, but Asuka found counters both times, knowing the champion well. Asuka took back control with the running hip attack, and then applied the Asuka Lock! Suddenly, Sasha was trapped in the middle of the ring, and in danger of losing her new title! But Banks also knew Asuka well, and had the perfect escape, elbowing her way free. Sasha got Asuka to the top rope, and took a huge chance, hitting a beautiful top rope bulldog, planting Asuka into the canvas! After one big chance worked, why wouldn't another! Sasha climbed back up top, lining up a Frog Splash....................but ate the knees of Asuka! As a winded Banks assessed the damage to her midsection, Asuka struck with a quick, powerful roundhouse kick! It was a knock-out shot, and Asuka seemed on the verge of capturing her second SmackDown Women's Championship. But in a complete shock, Bayley came sprinting out from the back! The "Huggable One", out injured after the attack from Asuka, charged down to ringside. Sasha, now recovered, capitalized, hitting the backbreaker on a distracted Asuka and lock in the Bank Statement! Asuka fought desperately to escape, but Sasha wrenched the hold back, and Asuka tapped!

Winner and still SmackDown Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

The Bar(c) vs The Undisputed Era- Raw Tag Team Championship Match

Cesaro and Sheamus had the power advantage in this match, and certainly used it to great advantage. It seemed like Fish and O'Reilly had absolutely no answers, as the challengers were just completely picked apart by the champions. But Fish and O'Reilly, determined to be tag team champions, fought back, turning this match into a wild brawl. All four men exchanged shots on each other, and multiple kicks from Fish and O'Reilly would bust Cesaro open. The challengers celebrated, prematurely so, as Sheamus tagged in and caught Kyle O'Reilly with a Brogue Kick! Fish was caught off guard, not able to make the save, but in a shocker, O'Reilly kicked out at two! His partner's heart and determination gave Fish a chance, who now tagged in to face Sheamus. The "Celtic Warrior" went for another Brogue Kick, but Fish avoided and Sheamus' leg crashed into the top turnbuckle. As Sheamus doubled over in pain, Fish capitalized, hitting a chop block and locking in the Fish Hook Deluxe! Sheamus fought as hard as he could, but had no choice but to tap out!

Winners and NEW Raw Tag Team Champions: The Undisputed Era

Chad Gable(c) vs Rusev- Intercontinental Championship Match

Chad Gable has proven that he is not scared of anyone and that he can beat anyone, and had no fear going against Rusev tonight. Even going against Rusev, Gable was still as great as always, as he out-wrestled his challenger at every turn. But unfortunately for Chad Gable, Lana was at ringside, and caused multiple distractions to bail her husband out. Gable was able to hit Rusev with a rolling wheel kick, but Lana's distraction allowed Rusev to power out of the Chaos Theory. Rusev blasted Gable with a Machka Kick, then hit the rope assisted Alabama slam, as Gable was planted into the canvas. Now Jason Jordan tried to get involved, but he also took a Machka Kick off the apron, crashing hard onto the floor. As Gable slowly recovered, Lana called for the end, and Rusev ended it, delivering the sickening Brute Bomb as Gable's title reign came to a close. Three title matches, three title changes to start off Summerslam. 

Winner and the NEW Intercontinental Champion: Rusev

Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Naomi vs The Riott Squad

You had to question the teamwork of Becky, Charlotte and Naomi, three women who had never tagged together in their careers. It showed, as Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan controlled this match with cheap shots and double team moves, all moving in sync like a well-oiled machine. But even struggling to work together, the individual quality of Becky, Charlotte and Naomi was still effective, as Flair got the team back in it following a Spear to Morgan. Lynch brawled to the outside with Riott, as the two old rivals went at it again. That left Naomi and Logan in the ring to settle this contest, with the highest of stakes on the line. Logan was able to connect on her Kentucky Knee, but her power wasn't enough to compete with the athleticism of Naomi, who countered a big powerbomb into a roundhouse kick and hit a split-legged moonsault for the victory.

Winners: Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Naomi

Sami Zayn(c) vs Daniel Bryan- WWE Championship Match

This was a match of mind games early on, as both of these great wrestlers attempted to gain the upper hand. After a strike exchange went the way of Bryan, Zayn countered back by working some submission holds. Bryan was quickly back to his feet, but Zayn just dumped him to the floor and celebrated, perfectly happy to take a count-out. But Bryan tossed Zayn across the ring with a big back suplex, before delivering a shoulder tackle that now sent Zayn to the floor. The WWE Champion regrouped while the challenger lead a "Yes!" chant in the ring. This proved to be a big mistake, as Zayn yanked Bryan's neck onto the top rope from the apron, before capitalizing with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Zayn lifted Bryan to the top rope, looking for the brainbuster, but Bryan countered and Zayn's face smacked off the turnbuckle. Bryan lit Zayn up with a litany of kicks, before attempting to apply the LaBell Lock. But now Zayn countered, fighting his way free with right hands. Zayn looked for the Helluva Kick, but Bryan got out of the way and Zayn hit the referee! With the official down, Zayn embraced his killer instinct, drilling Bryan with a low blow! Zayn made his way to the top rope, before gloating to the Chicago crowd. Zayn leaped off................................right into the LaBell Lock! Sami Zayn was trapped, middle of the ring, as Daniel Bryan wrenched away with his finishing hold! The ref was back, and Zayn screamed in pain, so close to tapping out. But at the last moment, Zayn began biting Bryan's fingers, getting just enough separation to get free. Zayn dumped Bryan on his head with a dangerous fisherman driver, and then hit the stunned challenger with the Helluva Kick! 1..........................2.........................but Bryan kicked out! No matter, as Zayn just lifted Bryan up to the top rope, and just like he did at The Bash, hit the brainbuster! Cover! 1...............................2......................................but Bryan kicked out again! Chicago went wild as Daniel Bryan began to stir, violently shaking his head, firing himself up. But Zayn was quickly back on the attack, as he unleashed one vicious right hand after another. Bryan was back down on the canvas, and busted wide open. Zayn refused to stop the attack, laying in shot after shot. Bryan was unmoving, and Zayn just kept on attacking in a display that was getting hard to watch. Finally, the ref stepped in, and in the interest of Bryan's safety, stopped the match.

Winner and still WWE Champion: Sami Zayn


As a stunned Chicago crowd took in what they had just witnessed, the boos began to rain down as Sami Zayn was presented with his title. Embracing the negative reception, Sami bowed to the fans, smirking. But the situation began to escalate, as a fan wearing a hoodie jumped the barricade, staring down the WWE Champion! Sami caught sight of the intruder, and began to laugh, exiting the ring and confronting this potentially dangerous individual. But as Sami caught sight of the fan's face, his expression shifted from derision to pure shock. The fan reacted first, lifted the champion up and hitting him with a Go To Sleep! Chicago went crazy! The fan slowly lifted his hood....................and it was CM Punk! OH MY GOD!

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings. 


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