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American Dad "Stompe Le Monde" Review

You know, I once tried to make it in musical theater. If only I had watched this episode beforehand, I would've known I needed a leather jacket to truly make it. Alas, those dreams are for a more pretentious soul than mine.

"Stompe Le Monde" is a wild episode of American Dad, one that starts with Stan's previously unknown uncle dying and ends with wanton destruction of many Sonic Drive-Ins. It's a crazy a journey as it sounds, one that left me just struggling to keep up. The family to use the new inheritance to travel to New York City, but Stan quickly blows the money on the rights to Stomp, which is apparently a real musical. The whole town of Langley is very excited to see the new show, but Stan has no idea what he's doing, never once hiring a director or even rehearsing. Why this only came up literally minutes before opening is anyone's guess. The Smith Family is forced to go on the run, and are attacked by many ferocious coyotes off-screen. In yet another random plot twist, they decide to become con artists, duping random townies into buying ticket money, or in Roger's case, a free blowjob. They work off their potential family issues by terrorizing Sonic, and while I'm just explaining plot right now, quite a few of these scenes are very enjoyable. It's rare to see the entire Smith Family working together so cohesively, and it definitely makes this episode worth watching on that basis alone.

Things fall apart quite randomly, as the Smiths are caught by a group of scam victims, who the family can't escape from, for some reason. The Smith Family is forced into performing the actual show, which they're great at, for some reason. I don't know, most of this isn't explained and doesn't make much sense, which is unfortunate. Very quickly, the episode jumps a year into the future, as the Smiths are now Broadway stars. Francine writes for Law & Order, Hayley sells art, Jeff tries not to make art, Klaus is an FBI informant, Steve has a 50 year old girlfriend and Roger busks with a violin. All of this seems to be one giant takedown of New York, but since I've never been there, I can't say how accurate any of it actually is. What I can tell you is that I was almost completely lost at this point of the episode, as the plot has taken three or four giant leaps in logic in head-spinning fashion. Before I could even adjust to everything American Dad was throwing out, Stan quickly sabotages the show, and the family returns to destroying Sonics. This was quite a ride, one I'm not entirely certain I understood or particularly enjoyed. "Stompe Le Monde" is an episode with about five or six different ideas, all packed into a tight 22 minutes. As such, everything is extremely rushed and has no space to breathe, making me much more concerned to just keep up with the plot rather than enjoy the smaller details. The episode did get a few laughs out of me, but in the end tried to do far too much for me to consider it a great entry.


I have some unfortunate news to share, which I've decided to add in here rather than add an unnecessary extra post. Although I enjoyed making the first episode of The Revolution on Fire Pro World, my computer did not. I really don't understand what the issue really is, but I've been experiencing a lot of lag in the game, making it painfully difficult to get enough content for future posts. I think my issues may relate to one of the recent patches Spike put out, since a lot of them do regularly break the game. Regardless, it's obvious I can't continue on there, which pisses me off, since I enjoyed making the first post and spent a good chunk of money buying DLC. This means that I will have to return to 2k19, and restart the series, though I will leave the first post up, for anyone who still wants to read it. I should be able to start back up again by next week, though if things go well, I could be ready sooner. Sorry to those who enjoyed that first post, but I promise that The Revolution will return stronger and better than before.


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