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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Judgment Day 2019

Tonight is truly Judgment Day for Sami Zayn, who must put his WWE Championship on the line against the unstoppable force known as Samoa Joe. Plus, Asuka and Ember Moon settle their feud and big rematches between Seth Rollins and Johnny Gargano and John Cena and Daniel Bryan!

And now, SmackDown presents.....................Judgment Day!

Universe Mode
Judgment Day
May 12th, 2019
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Official Judgment Day 2019 Theme Song- "Dangerous"- Royal Deluxe

American Alpha vs Andrade "Cien" Almas and ???

As Chad Gable and Jason Jordan watched on, Andrade entered with a cocky grin, pleased with his selection for a partner. Almas' partner was....................the Glorious One, Bobby Roode!

For as much as Almas and Roode share similar mentalities, they did not have any experience as a tag team, and it showed. Former champions American Alpha were dominant, slowly wearing Almas down with a wide selection of double team moves. Almas and Roode would get back into the match with underhanded tactics, but it wouldn't be enough. Almas was planted with the Grand Amplitude, and Roode left his partner in the dust as Chad Gable pinned the Intercontinental Champion.

Winners: American Alpha

Finn Balor vs Kofi Kingston

With both the Balor Club and the New Day banned from ringside, tonight was all about singles glory. Finn Balor clearly had more experience in this situation, being a former Universal/World Heavyweight Champion, but Kofi Kingston had the crowd on his side and nothing to lose. Kingston was a house on fire in this match, rallying at every turn and scoring big near falls, one after another. But ultimately, experience trumped desire, as Balor avoided the Trouble in Paradise to hit a Sling Blade and then the Coup de Grace for the win.

Winner: Finn Balor

Rusev Day(c) vs The Dream Team- SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

Clad in matching gear, new champions Rusev and Aiden English were a united front in their first title defense. Unfortunately, Ziggler and McIntyre proved to be the more effective team, decimating Aiden English at every turn. But as always, the hot tag was made, and Rusev got the champions back in it with big power moves. As the "Bulgarian Brute" lined up the Machka Kick, the still weary English tagged his way in! Rusev was in disbelief, and had to be forced out of the ring by the referee. This distracted English, and he walked right into a superkick from Dolph Ziggler! McIntyre pulled Rusev off the apron, and Ziggler got the pinfall in a shockingly quick title change.

Winners and the NEW SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre


Still in a state of shock, Rusev re-entered the ring to confront Aiden English, who regained enough consciousness to begin profusely apologizing, saying he just wanted to prove himself. But Rusev had none of it, and delivered a Macka Kick to his own partner! Rusev then applied the Accolade, as English meagerly tapped out. As boos rained down, Rusev finally released the hold and exited the ring, walking out on his partner in a shocking display.

Johnny Gargano vs Seth Rollins

"Johnny Wrestling" was clearly the favorite here tonight, as Rollins' arrogant attitude and demeaning nature did not endear him to the Phoenix crowd. This was another high-paced, exciting affair between two of the best in Universe Mode, that saw Seth Rollins take a number of chances. Rollins wowed even his naysayers with a superplex/falcon arrow combination, and then he took flight with a suicide dive! Looking to get his win back, Seth Rollins brought out a new move, hitting a picture perfect inverted Phoenix Splash! But Johnny Gargano showed his fighting spirit, kicking out at two. As Rollins looked for a Curb Stomp, Gargano was able to get out of the way and blasted Seth with a superkick that sent "The Architect" careening into the official. With everyone down, Johnny Gargano took advantage, undoing a turbuckle pad, before lauching Rollins into the exposed steel with a Lawn Dart! The Gargano Escape was applied on the unconscious Rollins, and when the referee recovered, he called for the bell!

Winner: Johnny Gargano

Ember Moon(c) vs Asuka- Two out of Three Falls Match for the SmackDown Women's Championship

For a majority of the early portion of this match, Asuka was in control. The former champion was determined to finally put Ember Moon away, and spent a long amount of time working on the current champion's left arm. This strategy paid off when Moon missed a clothesline attempt in the corner, and Asuka applied the cross armbar! With nowhere to go and a fall to give, Moon was forced to tap out! This gave Ember a chance to get back in it, but Asuka was still in control. Asuka rammed Moon shoulder first into the turnbuckles, and it seemed like this match would be a clean sweep. But Asuka's hubris got the better of her, as she went for the Asuka Lock instead of another armbar. Moon came up with another unique counter to the Asuka Lock, flipping her way onto the shoulder of Asuka, before planting her with a Shiranui to steal the pinfall! Now tied, Ember Moon rallied with a vicious combo of kicks. But Asuka fought through the pain, and dropped Moon with a spinning backfist! Asuka looked for a devastating roundhouse kick to end it, but Moon dodged out of the way, and hit Asuka with a Stunner! The crowd exploded, as Moon scaled the ropes, measuring...........and nailed the Eclipse! 1...................2............3!

Winner and still SmackDown Women's Champion: Ember Moon

Daniel Bryan vs John Cena- Last Man Standing

This was an absolute war from start to finish, but rather different from most no-disqualification matches. Rather than batter each other with weapons, Bryan and Cena used their own strikes and the environment around them to their advantage. It wouldn't take long for Cena to open Bryan up with stiff right hands, but Bryan would return the favor, knocking Cena looping with a reverse roundhouse kick. They fought to the outside, where Cena would hit Bryan with an F-U on the floor! A very painful move, but not enough to keep Bryan down, who was up at 8. Bryan traded back, slamming Cena's face off the ring post, as the "Doctor of Thuganomics" was now bleeding. It wouldn't get better for Cena, as Bryan finally grabbed a weapon, a kendo stick, before trapping Cena in a kendo stick assisted LaBell Lock! Cena furiously tapped out, but it would not matter in this match. After finally releasing the hold, Bryan realized he had made a mistake, as Cena was able to use the ring ropes to pick himself up at a count of 9. Now needing to come up a way to finally end this match, Daniel Bryan got extreme. Bryan laid Cena onto the announce table with a running knee, before setting up a ladder. As the fans rose to their feet, Bryan climbed to the top of the ladder. Way up in the air, Bryan laid Phoenix in the Yes! chant. But Cena was not done yet! Cena scrambled to his feet, and made his way up the ladder, leaving Bryan with nowhere to go. In a humongous spot, Cena battered Bryan with right hands, before picking him up, and putting himself and Bryan through the table with an F-U! The official began to count, and at 8, both men began to rise. But neither could beat the count, and the match was over!


Sami Zayn(c) vs Samoa Joe- WWE Championship Match

In contrast to the last match, this was a slick, technical match, as Sami Zayn and Samoa Joe vied for the WWE Championship. Joe was completely dominant on the ground, taking the life out of Zayn with strikes and submission holds. The second Zayn got any momentum going, Joe put a stop to it, including catching Zayn on his attempted suicide dive. Joe slammed Sami to the floor with a uranage, before hitting an impressive dive of his own! But the champion got back in it, countering the Coquina Clutch with a drop toe hold. Sami rallied, hitting one big move after another, finishing his flurry off with a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Zayn looked for a swanton bomb, but Joe rolled out of the way, hitting a running senton of his own. A few minutes later, Zayn would get a second chance, but this time Joe stopped him on the top rope with a palm strike. Joe wasted no time capitalizing, as hit the Muscle Buster! But Zayn kicked out at two, and Joe knew he needed the Coquina Clutch to choke the life out of the WWE Champion. However, the "Samoan Submission Machine" would never get the chance, as Sami Zayn had one final counter. Zayn got free of Joe's grasp with vicious back elbows, before hitting Joe with a Brainbuster! Sami Zayn hit the Helluva Kick, and did the unthinkable, beating Samoa Joe clean!

Winner and still WWE Champion: Sami Zayn

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.


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