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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Bad Blood 2019

Tonight, blood will certainly be spilled, as Jon Moxley challenges Shinsuke Nakamura for the Universal Championship. Plus, Kane looks to get revenge against Aleister Black in a Hell in a Cell match, Ruby Riott and Becky Lynch settle their rivalry and more!

And now, Raw presents...............................Bad Blood!

Universe Mode
Bad Blood
May 26th, 2019
Location: Austin, TX

Official Bad Blood 2019 Theme Song- "Blood in the Water"- Shaman's Harvest

Adam Cole(c) vs Ricochet- Steel Cage Match for the United States Championship

Early and often, Adam Cole looked for the cheap way out of this match. Cole would make multiple attempts to escape the cage, but was prevented at every turn by Ricochet. The challenger would use the cage to his advantage, slamming Cole's head off the steel again and again. Eventually, this would lead to Adam Cole taking a nasty fall off the side of the cage into the ring below. Ricochet climbed to the top of the cage, and had a chance to escape and win the US Championship. Instead, the "One and Only" took the biggest risk, looking for a moonsault off the top of the cage! But Cole rolled out of the way, and blasted Ricochet with a Last Shot, and then the Panama Sunrise, before sauntering his way up and out of the cage to retain his title.

Winner and still United States Champion: Adam Cole

Bobby Lashley vs The Miz

You could've expected The Miz to pull out every dirty trick in the book to attempt to defeat Bobby Lashley, and you'd be correct. There were multiple distractions by Maryse, a few attempted low blows, even a chair getting involved, and yet, Lashley powered through. Two Skull Crushing Finales couldn't get the job done, and Miz was beginning to lose hope. But just when it looked like the "A-Lister" was done for, The Miz shocked everyone in the building, kicking out of Lashley's Spear. As Lashley looked for a Dominator, Maryse caused more ruckus, and The Miz capitalized with a chop block that folded Lashley's right leg inside out. Miz then looked in the Figure 4, and after an agonizing minute in the hold, Lashley did what no one saw coming, and tapped out!

Winner: The Miz

The Bar(c) vs The Authors of Pain- No DQ Match for the Raw Tag Team Championships

The biggest problem for the champions in this match was the raw power of Akam and Rezar. That meant that the challengers had the advantage in almost every singles match-up, and would require Cesaro and Sheamus to work together in this hectic environment. The champions did just that, hitting Rezar on the outside with a double team suplex onto the steel steps, a brutal maneuver. Akam, now left alone, was able to fight off the champions for a little while, before Sheamus drilled him with a Brogue Kick, and Cesaro finished Akam off with the Neutralizer.

Winners and still Raw Tag Team Champions: The Bar

Becky Lynch(c) vs Ruby Riott- Raw Women's Championship Match

To say Ruby Riott was at her best tonight would be a massive understatement. Though Becky Lynch tried to intimidate the challenger multiple times, Riott would not be deterred. That meant Lynch would have to fight from behind, but Riott always remained a step ahead. Becky would get the Dis-arm-her locked in, but Riott quickly escaped the hold. After a barrage of superkicks, Riott seemed to be poised to capture the title, but now Lynch was a step ahead, countering the Riott Kick on multiple occasions. Needing to switch things up, Becky would hit Ruby with an impressive suicide dive that earned a big pop from the Austin crowd. "The Man" measured for the Taste of Pain, her new finisher, but Riott had it scouted. Riott hit Lynch with a big kick to the gut, and then connected with the Riott Kick! But as Riott crawled towards the cover, Becky Lynch was stirring! With all the fighting spirit she could manage, Lynch was getting back to her feet! Riott was stunned, but finally struck the killing blow, another impactful Riott Kick, and Lynch was out cold, as her championship reign came to an end.

Winner and the NEW Raw Women's Champion: Ruby Riott

Aleister Black vs Kane- Hell in a Cell Match

This was a physical, intense match, as both men utilized the Cell to brutalize the other. After an early brawl in and around ringside, Kane took things to the extreme, powerbombing Black through the Cell wall! With absolutely no fear, Kane then scaled the Cell, standing atop the intimidating steel structure and giving Black no choice but to give pursuit. On top of the Cell, the war continued, as both exchanged stiff strikes. Black hit Kane with his Bicycle Knee, but Kane sat back up! "The Big Red Monster" grabbed Black by the throat, lifted him up high, and chokeslammed Black through the top of the Cell! This was by all rights a match ender, but Kane would have to waste time before getting the pin, as he had to climb back down the Cell. Somehow, someway, Aleister Black was stirrng! Kane couldn't believe it, and picked Black up, intent on hitting another chokeslam to finish him off. But Black escaped, and nailed Kane with a Black Mass! But Black was still recovering, and couldn't make a quick pinfall, and now Kane was stirring! As Black looked on, Kane sat up! The two men stared down, waiting for one to make the first move. Black was just too quick for Kane, striking first with another Black Mass to get the three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

Kevin Owens vs ???

Goldberg was certainly putting Kevin Owens to the test here tonight, as Owens' first opponent on Raw was none other than "The Bruiserweight" Pete Dunne!

This match was an easy Match of the Year contender, as despite the short notice, it was obvious both men were prepared for what the other might bring. There were counters one after another, with both men cycling through their greatest hits and leaving the crowd in Austin on the edge of their seats. Owens scored first, hitting an incredible offensive chain, first dropping Dunne into the turnbuckle with a Snake Eyes, before hitting a KO Cannonball and finishing it off with a Pop-Up Powerbomb for a narrow near fall. Dunne, for his part, busted Owens wide open with a wicked forearm, before somehow deadlifting Owens off the ground into the Bitter End for another incredible near fall. Bloodied and near beaten, Owens made a run for it, rolling to the outside of the ring. Dunne gave chase, but it proved to be a ruse. Owens drilled Dunne with a superkick, then hit a Pop-Up Powerbomb on the floor! Owens rolled Dunne back into the ring, and hit another Pop-Up Powerbomb! 1......................2................but Pete Dunne kicked out! Owens was stunned, and the fans were too. How was that not enough? Dunne willed his way back to his feet, and went back on the attack! Owens was backed up all the way to the corner, and Dunne came charging in, but missed! Owens rolled out of the way, and kicked Dunne in the gut, before delivering a Stone Cold Stunner! Nuclear heat commenced, as the fans couldn't believe the audacity of Owens, hitting a Stunner in Austin, Texas of all places. Like it or not, Owens' stolen finisher was enough, as the three count was finally made.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Shinsuke Nakamura(c) vs Jon Moxley- Extreme Rules Match for the Universal Championship

Obviously, this was Jon Moxley's environment, and Shinsuke Nakamura was well out of his. Because of that, the first ten minutes of this match all went Moxley's way, as the challenger used every weapon he could find. Nakamura took multiple chair shots, and a gash was quickly opened up after Moxley connected with a baseball bat. As the match progressed, Moxley began to get more and more wild with his offense, slowly ramping up the carnage. Moxley dragged Nakamura to the outside, drilling Nakamura's skull into the floor with a Headlock Driver. With Nakamura seemingly unconscious, Moxley cleared off the announce table, before putting Nakamura through it with the Dirty Deeds! The crowd in Austin popped big, and Shinsuke Nakamura's title reign appeared to be at an end. But as Moxley prepared to hit another Dirty Deeds in the ring, the champion had one last trick left. Nakamura slumped to the ground, and hit Moxley with a low blow! That was perfectly legal in an Extreme Rules match, and Nakamura knew it, laughing while blood coursed down his face. Nakamura looked to end it, measuring for the Kinshasa, but Moxley countered, hitting Nakamura with a drop toe hold onto the steel chair! Moxley looked for one more big move to put the champion away, laying Nakamura out on a table before grabbing a ladder. As the fans watched on, Moxley climbed to the top of the ladder, preparing to go all or nothing. Moxley readied himself...................and leaped off the ladder with an elbow drop! But he came up empty, as Nakamura just got out of the way, and Moxley crashed through the table! Nakamura rolled Moxley out of the carnage, hit the Kinshasa, and just survived to remain champion of the red brand.

Winner and still Universal Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura

Want to follow the series, but missed a few posts? No problem! Check out my Universe Mode Wiki, constantly updated to keep you up to speed with the latest Universe Mode happenings.


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