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Henry's Universe Mode(Season 5): Backlash 2019

Tonight, the Backlash from WrestleMania is felt, as the Raw brand takes center stage. Jon Moxley faces Roman Reigns in an incredibly personal Street Fight, Becky Lynch faces her biggest challenge yet in Nia Jax and in the main event, Aleister Black gets his third chance to defeat Shinsuke Nakamura, with the Universal Championship on the line.

And now, Raw presents.............................Backlash!


Universe Mode
April 21st, 2019
Location: Liverpool, ENG

Official Backlash 2019 Theme Song- "Love Runs Out"- OneRepulic

Adam Cole(c) vs Ricochet- United States Championship Match

Ricochet had quite a few things working against him in this match, as Adam Cole's constant work on the head of Ricochet would see the challenger busted open early on. As "The One and Only" bled buckets, he fought on, hitting Cole with an incredible springboard Phoenix Splash that could have won him the United States Championship. Unfortunately, Ricochet could not see through the blood around his eyes, and accidentally hit the referee in the process. That botch saved Adam Cole, and after Bobby Fish distracted Ricochet during a brawl on the outside, the champion ended it. Cole hit Ricochet with the Florida Keys, and followed up with the Panama Sunrise to retain his title with a ton of extra help.

Winner and still United States Champion: Adam Cole

The Bar(c) vs The Revival- Raw Tag Team Championship Match

Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson showed what makes them such a great tag team in this contest, using their superior technical skill and teamwork. In fact, it looked like new champions would be crowned when Dawson hit Sheamus with a running chop block, and applied the inverted Figure Four. But the "Celtic Warrior" fought his way free with stiff right hands, and obliterated Dawson with a Brogue Kick. Cesaro was tagged in, and cleared Wilder off the apron before finishing Dawson off with a Neutralizer.

Winners and still Raw Tag Team Champions: The Bar

Charlotte Flair vs Ruby Riott

Early on, Ruby Riott proved she had done her homework on "The Queen", staying one step ahead of Charlotte Flair at every turn. Flair grew more and more frustrated, even threatening the Riott Squad on the outside. Riott attempted to capitalize on the distraction, but would fall prey to a Natural Selection. Flair could have ended the match there, but wanted to make a statement. Flair hit Riott with a few vicious clotheslines, and lined up a Spear. But as Flair charged in, Riott dodged out of the way, and rolled Flair up with a small package for a shocking three count! A big win for Ruby Riott, and a costly mistake from Charlotte Flair.

Winner: Ruby Riott

Jon Moxley vs Roman Reigns- Street Fight

This match was hyped as a "blood feud" but the only man spilling blood tonight would be Roman Reigns. For 15 minutes, Jon Moxley tortured his former friend, putting Reigns through a table with a Dirty Deeds, hitting another on the floor and bashing Reigns in the face with any weapon he could get his hands on. Moxley dragged a near lifeless Reigns backstage, and the sight of Roman's bloody face was enough to terrify Moxley's own wife, who was backstage tending the social media lounge. Finally, Moxley had had enough, and spiked Reigns off the top of a limo with a third Dirty Deeds, before making a lackadaisical cover for the three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

AJ Styles vs Randy Orton

This match was Randy Orton's to lose from the opening bell, as "The Viper" was in control throughout much of the contest. AJ Styles could only muster up brief spurts of offense, and was largely just forced to kick out of moves, including kicking out of an early RKO. But "The Phenomenal One" continued to rally, and put together a late comeback. Styles measured Orton up for a Phenomenal Forearm, but leaped right into a mid-air RKO! Orton only needed a cover to win the match, but ego got the best of him, as he posed for a bit too long, allowing Styles time to recover and kick out. From there, Styles jolted Orton with a Pele Kick, and hit the Styles Clash to pick up the win on his first Raw pay-per-view.

Winner: AJ Styles

Becky Lynch(c) vs Nia Jax- Raw Women's Championship Match

Despite expectation to the contrary, this match was not similar to the previous contest, as many would have thought that Nia Jax would control the contest. Instead, this was an even match, one that actually saw Becky Lynch get in more offense. "The Man" would lock in the Dis-arm-her not once, not twice but three times, and all three times, Nia Jax powered out. Lynch needed to come up with a new gameplan, but before she could, Jax took control. Nia hit the champion with a big leg drop, before lifting Becky to the top rope for an avalanche Samoan Drop! But with her last gasp of energy, Lynch just kicked out at two! A combo of strikes left Jax stunned, but Lynch still needed to find the move to put the "Force of Greatness" away. Becky found it, kicking Jax in the gut, before driving her into the mat with a facebuster, and this new move was enough to retain her title.

Winner and still Raw Women's Champion: Becky Lynch

Shinsuke Nakamura(c) vs Aleister Black- Universal Championship Match

These two men had fought each other twice before, so it was no surprise that the knew each other well. Both had plenty of counters, making each successful move that much more impactful. It was Aleister Black that fared the best, perhaps motivated by the desire to finally beat Shinsuke Nakamura. Black would connect with the Black Mass, though it was more of a glancing blow, before getting the full impact on the second. Nakamura proved his mettle by kicking out, by Black was not fazed, simply taking a seat in the ring to consider his next move. The challenger continued to beat up the champion, including a brawl on the outside that saw Nakamura's head driven into the ring post by Black's boot. It seemed like the end of Nakamura's title reign was in sight, as Black rolled the unconscious champion back in the ring. For a third time, Aleister Black connected with the Black Mass! But before anyone could react, the lights went out! From underneath the ring, a gloved arm emerged! Went the lights came on, Aleister Black now stood toe to toe................with Kane! The "Big Red Machine" stared Black down, and then the lights went back out and Kane was gone! When the lights were finally restored, a confused Black walked right into a Kinshasa from Shinsuke Nakamura, as the champion once again escaped a title defense thanks to outside help.

Winner and still Universal Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura

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